
Heal, Harmonize & Heartbreak-Proof Your Relationship this year!

WHat if...

You could continue feeling the same butterflies in your stomach that you first felt when you dated him?

WHat if...

You could feel 100% secure, happy and loved in your current relationship no matter how things look right now?

WHat if...

You could just intuitively "know" what's going on with your man and bring your relationship back on track instead of guessing or "stressing" about what he's thinking?

WHat if...

You knew how to inspire his affection to flow towards you not only during the good times but also during the arguments and conflict?

Would feel amazing, yes?

Sami Wunder

And I want to tell you, it's possible and it doesn't have to take years of trial and error, confusion, struggle, fighting and heartbreak for you to figure things out.

Once you know how men and relationships really work, you can literally heartbreak-proof your relationship now and forever and start enjoying all the good offerings of a loving relationship.

Think laughter, togetherness, great sex, emotional intimacy and support.

You can live your daily happily-ever-after with your wonderful man, just like I do today.

Introducing The 'Soulmates Forever' Program

'Soulmates Forever' is my advanced signature program for married women and women in committed relationships.

It is the only place where I give you access to the inside scoop on what makes a relationship and his heart tick not just for "now" but forever.

It is the only place where I give you access to the inside secrets that keep my own marriage so fun, passionate, alive and ever growing in love and intimacy.

Yours Today For Only $1200!

(Or Easy, PAYMENT PLAN: 2 Installments x $600 Monthly!)

Paying in USD ($)

One Time-payment

Paying in EUR (€)

Hurry! This special Offer is only until this weekend!


Training Call #1:
The Interplay Of Masculine / Feminine Energy In Relationships

In this foundational training, you will learn how understanding the interplay of masculine and feminine energies will heart break proof your relationship forever.

Once you become aware of this amazing foundation on which romantic relationships thrive, there will be no going back.

Your man will start to feel predictable to you, you will start to see the great benefits of being in your feminine energy around him and you will understand exactly how the energetic flow works between you and him and how to set it right, if things are feeling off.

Training Call #2:
Slow Poison - Stopping Behaviors That Kill His Love

This is a powerful week where I show you how some of the behaviours that we women do in our relationships and find "harmless" are actually very damaging to our man's attraction for us.

I call these behaviours slow poison because if you keep doing them, you literally risk killing your relationship and his attraction for you without even knowing what happened.

These are the behaviours that make him disappear on you, withdraw from you, go see another woman (I know it hurts but it happens) while you stand there feeling clueless on why he just doesn't get what you want and why can't he be a good husband or boyfriend.

Training Call #3:

Communication Magic

Well, let me be direct here - if you want a relationship to last, you have to learn to communicate with your partner. There can be no great relationship between two people who don't know how to talk to each other.

And words have a lot of power!

Use them right and you can inspire him to bring you the moon (magic!) but use them wrong and you're caught in an ego battle, a power struggle where there's lots of yelling and no constructive outcome.

In this training, I teach you how to talk to your man from a feminine, non-competitive place.

We will address expressing unmet needs and how to get him to open up and bond more emotionally with you. We will also learn how to deal with our emotional triggers in his presence.

Training Call #4:
The Yummy Stuff - Sex, Intimacy & Romance

Sex is such a huge component to a satisfying, happy, lasting relationship and as a feminine woman, you have a lot of power in this department. We will uncover this power together and understand what sex means to a man.

We will learn how to keep things hot and fun in bed, how to keep the spark alive and what to do when the spark is gone.

I will also give you several tips on what inspires men to stay romantic in the relationship and the sub-conscious triggers that turn him on.

It's the training where we learn to inspire our men to ask us out on dates again and brings us flowers. All the good feeling stuff!

Training Call #5:
Being A Team

This training's mantra is - "We're in this together."

If you have ever stood in the house and felt alone doing everything by yourself, you will know exactly why 'being a team' is important in the relationship.

In this week we take a hands-on look at the logistics of happy, committed relationships - dividing household chores, dealing with finances, bringing up kids and dealing with in-laws.

This week is all about handling with feminine ease and grace the real topics in real relationships so that none of those daily life challenges can throw you off balance again.

Yours Today For Only $1200!

(Or Easy, PAYMENT PLAN: 2 Installments x $600 Monthly!)

Paying in USD ($)

Paying in EUR (€)

Just Some Of Our Client Results

With the tools and skills you will learn in this advanced program 'Soulmates Forever,' you will never be in that situation again.

Before things turn 'really bad,' you will already be able to recognize what's going on in your relationship, you will be able to shift your energy and bring things back on track.

My intention is to empower you to such a level that you start to be the emotional expert of your own relationship.

Here's the thing - most relationships start off great.

We have his attention, he cares about making us happy, he cares about how we feel and we feel like we've found the one.

However, as time passes, things start to shift. He gets less and less attentive, the fights and arguments increase, the sex dries up and we feel taken for-granted.

I've been there myself. I know how hard it feels to be stuck in that downward spiral and watch our relationship die a slow death and not know how to bring it back on track.

However - here's the good news.

Yours Today For Only $1200!

(Or Easy, PAYMENT PLAN: 2 Installments x $600 Monthly!)

Paying in USD ($)

Paying in Eur (€)

Ins and Outs – What You Get

  • 5 value-packed recorded audios of about 8.5 hours from 5 trainings of this program.
  • 5 extensive worksheets for you to immerse into this work deeply and integrate all your new learnings
  • 5 notes documents for you to quickly revise the main points of each training.
  • Lifetime access to all the files of the program.

And all this for how much?

Just $1200!!!

Yes, you’ve heard me right!!!!!!!!!

A program that will change your love life, empower you like never before and give you access to all of my core tools and materials for less than 500 USD.


Video expert masterclass - 'Recognizing & Healing The Overgiving/Resentment Cycle' (value: €297)

Video expert masterclass - 'Healthy Boundaries In Relationships' (value: €297)

Guided meditation audio - 'It Is Safe To Open My Heart' (value: €47)

Cheat-sheet - 'Affirmations To Foster Trust In My Man' (value: €27)

Cheat-sheet - 'Intimacy-Fostering Questions To Ask Your Partner' (value: €27)

All this, ON TOP OF the full 'Soulmates Forever' 8.5-hour long advanced audio program.

I'm no math genius, but this might be the best $1200 you may be spending on yourself and your love life.

Ready To Create Some Serious Magic?

Yours Today For Only $1200!

(Or Easy, PAYMENT PLAN: 2 Installments x $600 Monthly!)

Paying in USD ($)

Paying in Eur (€)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there any live support as part of this program?

No. This is an all self-study program. Your amazing self will work with it, at your own pace.

If you need more live support and are willing to invest more, you can book a call to speak with my team here.

2. Is it only for single divas?

No. Even though the content is primarily focused to serve the needs of married divas and women in relationships, single women who have downloaded 'Soulmates Forever' have benefited greatly from it.

As a single lady, even though you are not currently navigating how to manage finances with your man and keep the sex and healthy communication alive, you will need it at one point.the recommended program. Check it out here if you want it, else continue reading below.

So yes, this program is of great value to both my single and married divas in love or falling out of it.


3. How is the program delivered?

Straight to your inbox, within a maximum of 30 minutes of your purchase. Just make sure you leave the correct email when purchasing, else we may have trouble finding you.

All your trainings are going to be accessible for a lifetime, so you can fall in love with them and snuggle with them forever!.

4. What is the total investment in the program?

Total investment in this program is 1200 USD.

While this may seem like an investment at first, compared to the results it will bring you, this is peanuts!

Yes peanuts. Those things you give the monkeys at the zoo!

After all, what price would you put on heartbreak-proofing your precious marriage or relationship and being your most authentic diva self in romance?

The ROI on this program is priceless. So many of my clients have saved marriages from the brink of divorce, based on the support of this program alone, so I know what we're giving you here is worth its weight in gold.


5. Are installments available?

Yes, my lovely one. You can pay off the total investment in two monthly installments of $600 each.

You're welcome. I want to see you succeed in love

6. What exact trainings do I receive when I pay and download the program?

You receive 5 mega audio trainings in my beautiful voice, a total of around 8.5 hours materials containing all my juicy, insider details on what keeps long term relationships alive and ticking.

Concretely, you will learn:

  • Masculine and Feminine Energy balance in your relationship
  • Slow poison behaviors that kill attraction and behaviors that enhance it
  • Communicating with your heart and through the difficult situations
  • How to keep sex hot and happening and resolve issues related with it
  • How to be a team and navigate kids, finances and household chores.

Value: Priceless! Seriously. I cannot believe I am giving away that amazing value at that price.

And by the way, you will also receive worksheets to go with every single module, to make sure that all learning has been integrated and you start getting results with your Mr., straight away.

Your fears, your insecurities around your man, your lack of clarity on what it means to have healthy boundaries in your marriage or relationship, your attachment to your emotional triggers, your fear around not knowing how to express your needs to him, your unfulfilled desire for hotter sex and much more.

AND you also receive 2 video masterclasses on supplementary topics, as well as 3 other small bonuses to help you keep your vibe and energy high as you nurture your thriving romantic relationship.

7. Are there refunds?

Absolutely not. I believe in all-in or all-out commitment. Stepping in and then stepping out isn’t allowed.

Plus, this is a digital product and we cannot make you un-access it once you have downloaded it.

And really this is the wrong question because you´re going to LOVE what's inside the program.

8. What can you lose when you take the risk and invest?


Your fears, your insecurities around men, your lack of clarity on what it means to embody feminine energy in dating, your attachment to your past, your fear of online and rotational dating and much more.

SO much to lose when you invest in this little magical program.

9. Are you ready?

Go grab it here and get started right away.

Once you have made the payment, you will be directed to a page where you will receive the link to download your teleclasses and worksheets for the program.

Important: since this is a digital program, all sales are final! Thank you.

In case of any technical issues, feel free to email my team at, and we will quickly help you out.

Get excited for what’s coming because it’s HUGE!

To your thumping success in love,

Sami x

P.S. Join me on my free, confidential relationship support group on Facebook –