It's YOUR TimeTo Create Your Grand Love Story With Unshakable Clarity & Confidence!

It's YOUR Time⏳To Create Your Grand Love Story With Unshakable Clarity & Confidence!

Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


If you are single... does this resonate?

  • You’re a driven, career oriented woman…but somehow you just can’t get lucky in love (and often feel you need to play down your achievements so you don’t scare men off).
  • You’ve been on what feels like 1000 First Dates that have never evolved into anything meaningful, leaving you wondering, “Oh Gosh! Does it really have to be this hard? What am I doing wrong?”
  • You have no problem sparking men's interest in you but nothing seems to last beyond the first few dates or interactions.
  • When you finally like a man enough to sleep with him, he ghosts you right after, leaving you second guessing, “Do men really just want ONE thing?”
  • When you feel like you’re finally moving the needle and making a real connection with a man after dating for months, he disappears off the face of a cliff leaving you questioning everything & feeling jaded with love.
  • Or worse still, you've been in long-term relationships, invested your all in them but they never lead to the ultimate commitment you desire, leaving you genuinely wondering if there are any decent, committed men left out there.

If you are single... does this resonate?

  • You’re a driven, career oriented woman…but somehow you just can’t get lucky in love (and often feel you need to play down your achievements so you don’t scare men off).
  • You’ve been on what feels like 1000 First Dates that have never evolved into anything meaningful, leaving you wondering, “Oh Gosh! Does it really have to be this hard? What am I doing wrong?”
  • You have no problem sparking men's interest in you but nothing seems to last beyond the first few dates or interactions.
  • When you finally like a man enough to sleep with him, he ghosts you right after, leaving you second guessing, “Do men really just want ONE thing?”
  • When you feel like you’re finally moving the needle and making a real connection with a man after dating for months, he disappears off the face of a cliff leaving you questioning everything & feeling jaded with love.
  • Or worse still, you've been in long-term relationships, invested your all in them but they never lead to the ultimate commitment you desire, leaving you genuinely wondering if there are any decent, committed men left out there.

Here’s the thing, Diva, it’s easy to conclude
“Men just suckkkkk”
(and no doubt this is what your other single girlfriends will tell you over lunch)...

Or fall into the trap of settling for less
when you know you deserve more…

Or downplay your achievements, your brilliance, your uniqueness
so as not to overshadow his (or preserve his ego, as grandma will tell you) …

Or put up your walls and get guarded,
so that you can’t EVER get hurt again…

But what if I told you that the 🗝️ key to attracting a high-calibre man (who is not just ready for commitment but actively searching for lasting devotion and passion in a relationship)...

Is not about closing yourself off to love or hiding the real you…

It’s about knowing how to open yourself up to receive in a way that attracts emotionally mature men who actually appreciate your vulnerability and want to devote themselves to you.  

And this is exactly what I’m here to TEACH you…

Here’s the thing, Diva, it’s easy to conclude
“Men just suckkkkk”
(and no doubt this is what your other single girlfriends will tell you over lunch)...

Or fall into the trap of settling for less
when you know you deserve more…

Or downplay your achievements, your brilliance, your uniqueness
so as not to overshadow his (or preserve his ego, as grandma will tell you) …

Or put up your walls and get guarded,
so that you can’t EVER get hurt again…

But what if I told you that the 🗝️ key to attracting a high-calibre man (who is not just ready for commitment but actively searching for lasting devotion and passion in a relationship)...

Is not about closing yourself off to love or hiding the real you…

It’s about knowing how to open yourself up to receive in a way that attracts emotionally mature men who actually appreciate your vulnerability and want to devote themselves to you.  

And this is exactly what I’m here to TEACH you…

Hey, I’m Sami.

I’m a leading international relationship and dating expert who specialises in working with ambitious women like you, and helping them attract lasting romantic love.

As the CEO of a thriving 7-figure business, I support incredible women all over the world - ranging from TV stars to a Hollywood celebrity; from CEOs to UK TV stars to bankers, lawyers, doctors, corporate professionals and entrepreneurs.

They all have one thing in common - they’re successful in life, but not in love and that’s where I come in.

I know exactly what it’s like to play the endless dating game and feel like you need to twist yourself into a pretzel just to please a man…

Because once upon a time that was me…

I would go on endless ‘first dates’ that would not lead anywhere…

I felt like no man could ‘handle’ me or my success or my brains in dating…

Till I realised that I was leading so heavily in my masculine energy around men and my heart was so guarded and closed off…

That the very men I liked - the empowered, ambitious ones, were repulsed by this energy.

It was only when I learnt the power of leading with my feminine energy, opening my heart and embracing my emotions in dating and around men…

That a whole new world opened up for me.

Men didn't want to ‘just’ take me to bed anymore.

They started to respect me for what I brought to the table as a woman of substance.

They opened doors for me, picked me up for dates, picked up the cheque…

They wanted to get to KNOW me.

And the best part?

I wasn't doing much!

I was literally just engaging their emotions, building emotional attraction and just being a feminine woman around them.

After a few months of successful dating, where I got spoiled by men left, right and centre …

My now wonderful husband of 11 years Chris stepped up and proposed within 9 months of dating.

He is the most loving, devoted, loyal man I have ever met….

He spoils me rotten, is a great father to our kids and just the most emotionally available and present masculine man I have ever met in my life.

And I want you to know that you deserve the lasting devotion of a heart-centred, authentic connection that a high-calibre man has to offer.

So here's my invitation for you today -

What if instead of ‘soldiering through’ countless dates that leave you staring at your phone wondering why he hasn’t called, you could…

  • Attract men that not only desire your body,

but are drawn to your personality, your intelligence and your vulnerability?

  • Skip all the frog-kissing and

attract an emotionally mature and confident man with ease?

  • Know how to effortlessly engage a man's heart and emotions,

so that you ignite his long-lasting interest, desire and loyalty for you, with ZERO competition from any 21 year old bikini model.

  • Easily move things to the next level

with the few men you are seriously interested in, without worrying they’re a flight risk?

❤️Be LOVED for exactly who YOU are

- your true, authentic, brilliant self? ❤️

So here's my invitation for you today -

What if instead of ‘soldiering through’ countless dates that leave you staring at your phone wondering why he hasn’t called, you could…

  • Attract men that not only desire your body,

but are drawn to your personality, your intelligence and your vulnerability?

  • Skip all the frog-kissing and

attract an emotionally mature and confident man with ease?

  • Know how to effortlessly engage a man's heart and emotions,

so that you ignite his long-lasting interest, desire and loyalty for you, with ZERO competition from any 21 year old bikini model.

  • Easily move things to the next level

with the few men you are seriously interested in, without worrying they’re a flight risk?

Be LOVED for exactly
YOU are

- your true, authentic, brilliant self?

Here’s the thing, Diva:

You can have all of this.

You’re a catch - and deep down you know it.

All of this is possible for you!

You deserve a high-calibre relationship with a high-calibre man who worships the ground you walk on, and for that, you need to build
Emotional Attraction.

There is Physical Attraction between a man and a woman… 🔥

🔥This gets you the hot moves in bed, the juicy lovemaking, the sizzling chemistry.

But it's not the Physical Attraction, that is hard to feel towards a good looking, high-calibre man.

The true challenge is moving beyond the physical attraction part to build something REAL – i.e. an authentic, heart-based connection that lasts and takes the relationship forward.

This is where Emotional Attraction comes in and changes the game...

You will learn how to build emotional attraction with men by harnessing the power of your feminine energy.

That is the catalyst to connecting on a deeper, heart-centred and soulful wavelength; where your relationship is one based in emotional maturity, intelligence and respect that leads to lasting devotion and passion beyond the initial sparks.

(In fact, he won’t be able to stop himself telling you daily, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me”; or showing his devotion by surprising you with gifts and holding you tight when you need it most)

Now, I want you to have BOTH those elements
present in your
Forever Love

Hell yeah!!

"Sami Wunder's Work Is 100% Authentic, Inspiring & Life-Changing!"

It provides the most in-depth and expansive understanding I have seen so far, about creating a vivid, loving and solid relationship, with ourselves and with the man in our lives”.

Natalie, UK 

Here’s the thing, Diva:

You can have all of this.

You’re a catch - and deep down you know it.

All of this is possible for you!

You deserve a high-calibre relationship with a high-calibre man who worships the ground you walk on, and for that, you need to build Emotional Attraction.

There is Physical Attraction between a man and a woman… 🔥

🔥This gets you the hot moves in bed, the juicy lovemaking, the sizzling chemistry.

But it's not the Physical Attraction, that is hard to feel towards a good looking, high-calibre man.

The true challenge is moving beyond the physical attraction part to build something REAL – i.e. an authentic, heart-based connection that lasts and takes the relationship forward.

This is where Emotional Attraction comes in and changes the game...

You will learn how to build emotional attraction with men by harnessing the power of your feminine energy.

That is the catalyst to connecting on a deeper, heart-centred and soulful wavelength; where your relationship is one based in emotional maturity, intelligence and respect that leads to lasting devotion and passion beyond the initial sparks.

(In fact, he won’t be able to stop himself telling you daily, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me”; or showing his devotion by surprising you with gifts

and holding you tight when you need it most)

Now, I want you to have BOTH those elements
present in your
Forever Love

Hell yeah!!

"Sami Wunder's Work Is 100% Authentic, Inspiring & Life-Changing!"

It provides the most in-depth and expansive understanding I have seen so far, about creating a vivid, loving and solid relationship, with ourselves and with the man in our lives”.

Natalie, UK 

I know you've been told that there are no guarantees in love.

I know you've been told that all sparks ultimately die down.

But here's what I want you to know after having supported over 17,000 women through my digital programs…

Once you have a high-caliber man's heart ❤️, he's never going ANYWHERE. 

He's going to stick by you, worship you, adore you until the end of his life.

That's how healthy, masculine men Love – there is a strength, loyalty and commitment to it that is unshakeable and insurmountable.

And building deep
Emotional Attraction in his heart is the key ingredient to inspire that kind of love.

I know you've been told that there are no guarantees in love.

I know you've been told that all sparks ultimately die down.

But here's what I want you to know after having supported over 17,000 women through my digital programs…

Once you have a high-caliber man's heart ❤️, he's never going ANYWHERE. 

He's going to stick by you, worship you, adore you until the end of his life.

That's how healthy, masculine men Love – there is a strength, loyalty and commitment to it that is unshakeable and insurmountable.

And building deep
Emotional Attraction in his heart is the key ingredient to inspire that kind of love.

”Ok Sami, please spill your secrets -
how do I start to Build Emotional Attraction with the man I like or on my dates?

Well... I have good news for you!

Thankfully, building Emotional Attraction with a high quality man is not rocket science.

But it IS an essential SKILL to master if you want to finally break free from superficial chit-chat on dating apps…

And progress to a serious, heart-centred commitment with a devoted man.

So I’m thrilled to introduce a first-of-its-kind online program
Building Emotional Attraction With High Caliber Men.

The only program worldwide that teaches you exactly how to build emotional attraction with a man you like - your secret superpower that helps you shift from mindless dating to the meaningful, long-lasting connection you desire and deserve….

And that helps you be loved for who you are, without playing superficial mind games in dating!

I am talking about a deep, meaningful connection with that dream man who makes your heart flutter and skip a beat when you think of him.

This is the SKILL that works on THAT MAN, like magic and will make him run to you like bees to honey!

In this powerful program, you’ll gain access to a 3-part video training that will reveal to you my unique and proven framework to uncover the real reason you’re struggling to create lasting intimacy with men you like…

And immediately shift gears into building lasting emotional attraction with men that will inspire their devotion and loyalty for you.

So yes, get ready because you'll have some pretty life-changing, bombastic and immediate positive results in dating that you will want to drink champagne to!

”Ok Sami, please spill your secrets -
how do I start to Build Emotional Attraction with the man I like or on my dates?

Well... I have good news for you!

Thankfully, building Emotional Attraction with a high quality man is not rocket science.

But it IS an essential SKILL to master if you want to finally break free from superficial chit-chat on dating apps…

And progress to a serious, heart-centred commitment with a devoted man.

So I’m thrilled to introduce a first-of-its-kind online program
Building Emotional Attraction With High Caliber Men.

The only program worldwide that teaches you exactly how to build emotional attraction with a man you like - your secret superpower that helps you shift from mindless dating to the meaningful, long-lasting connection you desire and deserve….

And that helps you be loved for who you are, without playing superficial mind games in dating!

I am talking about a deep, meaningful connection with that dream man who makes your heart flutter and skip a beat when you think of him.

This is the SKILL that works on THAT MAN, like magic and will make him run to you like bees to honey!

In this powerful program, you’ll gain access to a 3-part video training that will reveal to you my unique and proven framework to uncover the real reason you’re struggling to create lasting intimacy with men you like…

And immediately shift gears into building lasting emotional attraction with men that will inspire their devotion and loyalty for you.

So yes, get ready because you'll have some pretty life-changing, bombastic and immediate positive results in dating that you will want to drink champagne to!

"This program is what really made me GET IT! I cannot recommend the Emotional Attraction Program enough!"

"I went on a first date for the first time since my divorce. Normally I would be soooo nervous, but after the Emotional Attraction program, I felt calm, relaxed, and content to let him take the lead. I did not feel my usual anxiety to "perform" for the man.

Shorty afterwards, at a party, I attracted two guys who kept asking me questions, offering me food/drinks, and one said I was "gorgeous" (even though I wasn't wearing any makeup!) All I did was sit there and enjoy myself!

Both guys and my date from Saturday used the phrase "Can I see you again?" I can't recall the last time I ever heard someone say that to me.

I feel soooo thankful for finding Sami and her programs, I have been listening to them voraciously, but Building Emotional Attraction is what really made me "get it".

"This stuff is golden, and I cannot recommend the Emotional Attraction program enough!"


"This program is what really made me GET IT! I cannot recommend the Emotional Attraction Program enough!"

"I went on a first date for the first time since my divorce. Normally I would be soooo nervous, but after the Emotional Attraction program, I felt calm, relaxed, and content to let him take the lead. I did not feel my usual anxiety to "perform" for the man.

Shorty afterwards, at a party, I attracted two guys who kept asking me questions, offering me food/drinks, and one said I was "gorgeous" (even though I wasn't wearing any makeup!) All I did was sit there and enjoy myself!

Both guys and my date from Saturday used the phrase "Can I see you again?" I can't recall the last time I ever heard someone say that to me.

I feel soooo thankful for finding Sami and her programs, I have been listening to them voraciously, but
Building Emotional Attraction is what really made me "get it".

"This stuff is golden, and I cannot recommend the
Emotional Attraction program enough!"


Here's what's included for 12 months access:

Video Training Part 1:
How to Release the Blocks Holding You Back from Creating Authentic, Long-Lasting Connection With Men

In this powerful video training you’ll discover the exact reasons you may be unconsciously blocking yourself from attracting higher calibre men in the first place (and what you can do about it right away).

Inside the training, you’ll discover:

  • The 4 Drivers of Emotional Attraction in men and the crucial differences as to which ones men and women rank as the most important (hint - it’s not what you’d expect)
  • The 10 Commandments - the biggest mistakes you’re making that lead to men feeling emasculated instead of empowered in your presence, and which immediately extinguish any spark of emotional attraction before it even has a chance to develop.

    (You’ll be shocked by number 4 and will realise instantly why you’ve been getting ghosted in the past)!
  • How to spot the signs early on that Emotional Attraction is never going to build with a man, so you can stop wasting time on the wrong men without it feeling soul-crushing (After this, you’ll never again question, “What’s wrong with me?”)
  • Plus, you’ll sneak a peek into mind-blowing, real-life client stories where other women share their life-changing lessons about exactly what NOT to do if you want to create emotional attraction that leads to lasting intimacy.

    (I’ve even included some of my own dating shockers that I’ve never shared anywhere else - you won’t want to miss this).

Video Training Part #2: Revealed:

The Secret Ingredients to Building Explosive Emotional Attraction With An Empowered, Healthy Man

Now that you have crystal clear clarity around what the biggest blockers of emotional attraction are, it’s time to harness your secret superpower to stand out in a crowded dating scene - building explosive emotional attraction.

In this hugely impactful training, you’ll learn:

  • How to Unleash Your Inner Enchantress: The key to building emotional attraction that leads to long-term commitment is to first have a deep and unshakeable self-assurance that allows you to be seen, desired and loved for all of you (yes even the imperfections)!
  • This training will show you how to confidently put your guard down without the fear of rejection.  Mastering this is the key to unleashing your inner enchantress and your biggest hidden superpower - the ability to magnetize healthy, masculine love and loyalty. 
  • Demystifying the Bonding Process.  Discover the two essential elements that men need in order to form an unbreakable bond with you (hint - at first glance these seem wildly counterintuitive which is why so many get this wrong)! 

    But once combined, these two explosive elements will fire things right out of the friendzone territory and pave the way to a deep and devoted connection/have him start to see you as wife material. 
  • The 4 Levels of Disclosure That Create Emotional Attraction Before Things Become Physical: These are the most powerful emotional activation triggers that help pace a man to first bond with you emotionally before physical intimacy occurs.

    Not only does this result in men becoming more emotionally invested, committed and making more effort with you, it means you’ll never again feel like you’re giving away your power in a relationship.

PLUS you’ll also get your hands on 3 practical scripts sharing exactly what to say to deepen the emotional attraction (in a way that means he won’t ghost you).

Fair warning/Heads up - this will have your single friends begging you to spill your secrets to them ;)

Training #2 also includes a short but supremely powerful Guided Meditation experience that deeply touched the participants in the live edition of this program.

Video Training Part #3:
The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A

In Pillar 3 you’ll discover how to harness your new secret superpower of emotional attraction with an entire toolbox of proven, practical strategies that will leave men feeling bewitched (and other women wondering what sorcery it is you’re using)!

You’ll access revolutionary tools that the vast majority of women have no clue about, giving you the inside edge when it comes to dating on your terms; including:

  • The Power of Presence - How to Command It and How to Honour It - The key to chemistry on a date is letting things flow and truly being in the moment, (instead of getting caught up with the million questions in your head second-guessing whether or not he likes you)
  • The High-Low Vulnerability Model - what exactly is the right balance of vulnerability to show and when is the right moment to share it? This model will reveal how to figure out where you typically sit on this scale and how to feel fully empowered in your feminine energy when you do show vulnerability, so it always feels like a strength not a weakness.
  • Energetic Match-Making - this tool will help you show up in your full presence in a way that means you instantly know if he’s an energetic match or mis-match (and start to truly receive deeper emotional connection). This tool will feel like pure magic when you use it - no more waiting for him to call you back or wondering why the initial chemistry fizzled out.
  • The Self-Love Reconnect - Discover how to reconnect to your own heart and body and honour your own feminine energy. This is the absolute key to being able to receive healthy, masculine love that you desire and deserve, and attract the emotionally committed man of your dreams.

These tools will put you in a completely different dating league.  In fact, you’ll wonder how you ever got through a single date without them in your handbag ;-)

PLUS you’ll also access the recording of a live Q&A where I answered some of the biggest burning questions/juiciest questions my women always want to know, such as -

“I seem to be sharing a lot with him but he falls asleep instead of getting excited to open up to me in return… What am I doing wrong?”

“My man is so emotionally closed off. Can these tools help? Where do I even start?”

“Can building emotional attraction really lead to more physical intimacy and desire in the bedroom? If yes… how?”

Here's what's included for 12 months access:

Video Training Part 1:
How to Release the Blocks Holding You Back from Creating Authentic, Long-Lasting Connection With Men

In this powerful video training you’ll discover the exact reasons you may be unconsciously blocking yourself from attracting higher calibre men in the first place (and what you can do about it right away).

Inside the training, you’ll discover:

  • The 4 Drivers of Emotional Attraction in men and the crucial differences as to which ones men and women rank as the most important (hint - it’s not what you’d expect)
  • The 10 Commandments - the biggest mistakes you’re making that lead to men feeling emasculated instead of empowered in your presence, and which immediately extinguish any spark of emotional attraction before it even has a chance to develop.

    (You’ll be shocked by number 4 and will realise instantly why you’ve been getting ghosted in the past)!
  • How to spot the signs early on that Emotional Attraction is never going to build with a man, so you can stop wasting time on the wrong men without it feeling soul-crushing (After this, you’ll never again question, “What’s wrong with me?”)
  • Plus, you’ll sneak a peek into mind-blowing, real-life client stories where other women share their life-changing lessons about exactly what NOT to do if you want to create emotional attraction that leads to lasting intimacy.

    (I’ve even included some of my own dating shockers that I’ve never shared anywhere else - you won’t want to miss this).

Video Training Part #2: Revealed:

The Secret Ingredients to Building Explosive Emotional Attraction With An Empowered, Healthy Man

Now that you have crystal clear clarity around what the biggest blockers of emotional attraction are, it’s time to harness your secret superpower to stand out in a crowded dating scene - building explosive emotional attraction.

In this hugely impactful training, you’ll learn:

  • How to Unleash Your Inner Enchantress: The key to building emotional attraction that leads to long-term commitment is to first have a deep and unshakeable self-assurance that allows you to be seen, desired and loved for all of you (yes even the imperfections)!
  • This training will show you how to confidently put your guard down without the fear of rejection.  Mastering this is the key to unleashing your inner enchantress and your biggest hidden superpower - the ability to magnetize healthy, masculine love and loyalty. 
  • Demystifying the Bonding Process.  Discover the two essential elements that men need in order to form an unbreakable bond with you (hint - at first glance these seem wildly counterintuitive which is why so many get this wrong)! 

    But once combined, these two explosive elements will fire things right out of the friendzone territory and pave the way to a deep and devoted connection/have him start to see you as wife material. 
  • The 4 Levels of Disclosure That Create Emotional Attraction Before Things Become Physical: These are the most powerful emotional activation triggers that help pace a man to first bond with you emotionally before physical intimacy occurs.

    Not only does this result in men becoming more emotionally invested, committed and making more effort with you, it means you’ll never again feel like you’re giving away your power in a relationship.

PLUS you’ll also get your hands on 3 practical scripts sharing exactly what to say to deepen the emotional attraction (in a way that means he won’t ghost you).

Fair warning/Heads up - this will have your single friends begging you to spill your secrets to them ;)

Training #2 also includes a short but supremely powerful Guided Meditation experience that deeply touched the participants in the live edition of this program.

Video Training Part #3:
The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A

In Pillar 3 you’ll discover how to harness your new secret superpower of emotional attraction with an entire toolbox of proven, practical strategies that will leave men feeling bewitched (and other women wondering what sorcery it is you’re using)!

You’ll access revolutionary tools that the vast majority of women have no clue about, giving you the inside edge when it comes to dating on your terms; including:

  • The Power of Presence - How to Command It and How to Honour It - The key to chemistry on a date is letting things flow and truly being in the moment, (instead of getting caught up with the million questions in your head second-guessing whether or not he likes you)
  • The High-Low Vulnerability Model - what exactly is the right balance of vulnerability to show and when is the right moment to share it? This model will reveal how to figure out where you typically sit on this scale and how to feel fully empowered in your feminine energy when you do show vulnerability, so it always feels like a strength not a weakness.
  • Energetic Match-Making - this tool will help you show up in your full presence in a way that means you instantly know if he’s an energetic match or mis-match (and start to truly receive deeper emotional connection). This tool will feel like pure magic when you use it - no more waiting for him to call you back or wondering why the initial chemistry fizzled out.
  • The Self-Love Reconnect - Discover how to reconnect to your own heart and body and honour your own feminine energy. This is the absolute key to being able to receive healthy, masculine love that you desire and deserve, and attract the emotionally committed man of your dreams.

These tools will put you in a completely different dating league.  In fact, you’ll wonder how you ever got through a single date without them in your handbag ;-)

PLUS you’ll also access the recording of a live Q&A where I answered some of the biggest burning questions/juiciest questions my women always want to know, such as -

“I seem to be sharing a lot with him but he falls asleep instead of getting excited to open up to me in return… What am I doing wrong?”

“My man is so emotionally closed off. Can these tools help? Where do I even start?”

“Can building emotional attraction really lead to more physical intimacy and desire in the bedroom? If yes… how?”

On top of all the teachings in the three recorded video trainings (over 4.5 hours of recorded content), you’ll also get done-for-you practical guides, worksheets and resources to help you put what you learn into practice right away…

On top of all the teachings in the three recorded video trainings (over 4.5 hours of recorded content), you’ll also get done-for-you practical guides, worksheets and resources to help you put what you learn into practice right away…

But that’s not all - You’ll also get not one, not two, but 8 powerful bonuses when you dive in today that will forever change the dating game for you included when you dive in today...

BONUS #1 Your Emotional Attraction Game-Plan

Value €200, now FREE

So you can get the best possible results from this experience, you’ll first uncover exactly where you sit on the scale of emotional attraction so you know exactly where to focus for immediate impact/wins with your personalised game-plan!

BONUS #2 Diva Affirmations PDF: Empowered Beliefs That Foster Trust In Men

Value €97, now FREE

You cannot create Emotional Attraction with the men you are dating, if your heart is closed to men in general! Cultivate openness and trust by repeating these affirmations daily!

BONUS #3 PDF Cheat-Sheet - 10 Signs Of Emotionally Immature Men In Dating (So You Can Make a Swift Exit)/Stop Wasting Time

Value €97, now FREE

A real, fulfilling Emotional connection can only happen with an emotionally mature man (and this has nothing to do with his age!) Use this cheat-sheet to qualify your dates!

BONUS #4 Audio guided meditation - How to Feel Seen, Desired and Loved for Being You

Value €47, now FREE

This empowering meditation will help you reconnect to and celebrate who you are as an independent, confident woman who knows her worth and put an instant end to hiding the best parts of yourself for the sake of pleasing partners

BONUS #5 PDF cheat-sheet: 20 Affirmations To Know Your Worth and Avoid Over-Investing In Men

Value €47, now FREE

Sometimes we are so eager to connect with men, that we get emotionally invested way too quickly... Use these empowered affirmations whenever you feel like you are getting swept away in dating! :)

BONUS #6 The Little Black Book of Intimacy-Accelerating Questions To Ask In Early Dating

Value €47, now FREE

Tired of "where did you grow up" or "what do you do for a living"? Use these fun, light questions to create Emotional Attraction and get to know your dates better!

BONUS #7 PDF cheat-sheet: How To Stop Performing For Men & Start Connecting With Them Instead!

Value €47, now FREE

Just for our single divas, a quick report that I had previously only shared with my private clients, on what 'Performance Energy' looks like, and how to stop it.

BONUS #8 Express Yourself Cheatsheet - Powerful Ways to Express How You Feel When You Don’t Have the Words

Value €3000, now FREE

When you are living most of your life on autopilot, just moving from one task to the next, dropping into your body and feeling your feelings can be very hard. Sometimes we just don't have the language to name what we are feeling.

Use this vocabulary list (from my specialised communication course Speak To His Heart) to help you identify and express different feelings and emotions (and in a way that pulls him closer)

This isn’t about lighting candles or stuffing your bra with crystals in the hope to manifest your dream man…

This is about empowering you with a skillset that will serve you in all your future relationships (including most importantly - the one with yourself)

But that’s not all - You’ll also get not one, not two, but 8 powerful bonuses when you dive in today that will forever change the dating game for you included when you dive in today...

BONUS #1 Your Emotional Attraction Game-Plan

Value €200, now FREE

So you can get the best possible results from this experience, you’ll first uncover exactly where you sit on the scale of emotional attraction so you know exactly where to focus for immediate impact/wins with your personalised game-plan!

BONUS #2 Diva Affirmations PDF: Empowered Beliefs That Foster Trust In Men

Value €97, now FREE

You cannot create Emotional Attraction with the men you are dating, if your heart is closed to men in general! Cultivate openness and trust by repeating these affirmations daily!

BONUS #3 PDF Cheat-Sheet - 10 Signs Of Emotionally Immature Men In Dating (So You Can Make a Swift Exit)/Stop Wasting Time

Value €97, now FREE

A real, fulfilling Emotional connection can only happen with an emotionally mature man (and this has nothing to do with his age!) Use this cheat-sheet to qualify your dates!

BONUS #4 Audio guided meditation - How to Feel Seen, Desired and Loved for Being You

Value €47, now FREE

This empowering meditation will help you reconnect to and celebrate who you are as an independent, confident woman who knows her worth and put an instant end to hiding the best parts of yourself for the sake of pleasing partners.

BONUS #5 PDF cheat-sheet: 20 Affirmations To Know Your Worth and Avoid Over-Investing In Men

Value €47, now FREE

Sometimes we are so eager to connect with men, that we get emotionally invested way too quickly... Use these empowered affirmations whenever you feel like you are getting swept away in dating! :)

BONUS #6 The Little Black Book of Intimacy-Accelerating Questions To Ask In Early Dating

Value €47, now FREE

Tired of "where did you grow up" or "what do you do for a living"? Use these fun, light questions to create Emotional Attraction and get to know your dates better!

BONUS #7 PDF cheat-sheet: How To Stop Performing For Men & Start Connecting With Them Instead!

Value €47, now FREE

Just for our single divas, a quick report that I had previously only shared with my private clients, on what 'Performance Energy' looks like, and how to stop it.

BONUS #8 Express Yourself Cheatsheet - Powerful Ways to Express How You Feel When You Don’t Have the Words

Value €3000, now FREE

When you are living most of your life on autopilot, just moving from one task to the next, dropping into your body and feeling your feelings can be very hard. Sometimes we just don't have the language to name what we are feeling.

Use this vocabulary list (from my specialised communication course Speak To His Heart) to help you identify and express different feelings and emotions (and in a way that pulls him closer)

This isn’t about lighting candles or stuffing your bra with crystals in the hope to manifest your dream man…

This is about empowering you with a skillset that will serve you in all your future relationships (including most importantly - the one with yourself)


And if that wasn’t enough, for a limited time only you’ll also get access to a one off, live group coaching session with me where you can bring to me any questions about your own personal situation with your man or your dating life
(Value of live bonus - €3000)


And if that wasn’t enough, for a limited time only you’ll also get access to a one off, live group coaching session with me where you can bring to me any questions about your own personal situation with your man or your dating life
(Value of live bonus - €3000)

Plus, if you join Building Emotional Attraction
before 23rd April Midnight PST,
You will receive our fast action bonuses worth

€4000! 🔥

Plus, if you join Building Emotional Attraction
before 23rd April Midnight PST,
You will receive our fast action bonuses worth

€4000! 🔥

Bonus One

(Value €497)

The most powerful way to show your interest to men you like.

This video training, taken straight from my Elevate program is going to help you flirt up a storm with the right men, even if you feel shy or reserved around flirting right now. Get ready for more date invites from men you actually care about ;)

Bonus Two

(Value €497)

Create positive emotions within men, so that he LIGHTS up when he sees your name on his phone. ;)

The video training will show you how to create mystery, intrigue and PLAY in your texts with men and then watch them line up quality dates for you. One of our all time favorite trainings from Elevate.

Bonus One

(Value €497)

The most powerful way to show your interest to men you like.

This video training, taken straight from my Elevate program is going to help you flirt up a storm with the right men, even if you feel shy or reserved around flirting right now. Get ready for more date invites from men you actually care about ;)

Bonus Two

(Value €497)

Create positive emotions within men, so that he LIGHTS up when he sees your name on his phone. ;)

The video training will show you how to create mystery, intrigue and PLAY in your texts with men and then watch them line up quality dates for you. One of our all time favorite trainings from Elevate.

Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


To recap exactly what you get in
Building Emotional Attraction Program

  • Video Training Part 1: How to Release the Blocks Holding You Back from Creating Authentic, Long-Lasting Connection Video Training (Value €397)
  • Video Training Part 2: Revealed: The Secret Ingredients to Building Explosive Emotional Attraction With An Empowered, Healthy Man (Value 397)
  • Video Training Part 3: The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A (Value 397)
  • 8 Bonuses (Value 429)
  • Live Q&A call (Value €3000)

Yours Today For Only €1200
(Installment Plan: 2 x €299 monthly)

   2 Easy Payments x €299 

Let me ask you this -

If all this program did was to help you to stop playing small and start confidently sharing more of your true self with the world… 

So you could start spending more time in the company of men who deserved your time and energy (vs the time-wasters and the ghosters)

And never again second-guess yourself or feel tempted to settle for less than you deserve.

Wouldn’t it be worth it?

Let's be real, the value of this is life-changing.

Yes you could invest multi-thousands with a matchmaker or getting 1-1 private coaching for years trying to figure out “what is wrong with you”

You can pay just €597 to master this life-long skillset and put your new secret weapon into practice on your very next date!

There’s a reason why over 17,000 women and counting have joined my online trainings and invested in my programs ….

They simply work!

To recap exactly what you get in
Building Emotional Attraction Program

  • Video Training Part 1: How to Release the Blocks Holding You Back from Creating Authentic, Long-Lasting Connection Video Training (Value €397)
  • Video Training Part 2: Revealed: The Secret Ingredients to Building Explosive Emotional Attraction With An Empowered, Healthy Man (Value 397)
  • Video Training Part 3: The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A (Value 397)
  • 8 Bonuses (Value 429)
  • Live Q&A call (Value €3000)

Yours Today For Only €1200

(Installment Plan: 2 x €299 monthly)

Let me ask you this -

If all this program did was to help you to stop playing small and start confidently sharing more of your true self with the world… 

So you could start spending more time in the company of men who deserved your time and energy (vs the time-wasters and the ghosters)

And never again second-guess yourself or feel tempted to settle for less than you deserve.

Wouldn’t it be worth it?

Let's be real, the value of this is life-changing.

Yes you could invest multi-thousands with a matchmaker or getting 1-1 private coaching for years trying to figure out “what is wrong with you”

You can pay just €597 to master this life-long skillset and put your new secret weapon into practice on your very next date!

There’s a reason why over 17,000 women and counting have joined my online trainings and invested in my programs ….

They simply work!


Check out some our client success stories:

Check out some our client success stories:

"With Sami's Tools, I Am Making A Good Marriage, GREAT!

After my divorce, I thought that all relationships started amazingly but will inevitably deteriorate as couples lose attraction for one another.  

My boyfriend (now husband) was devoted to me, but I was paranoid about the same thing happening to this relationship as it had with my failed marriage.  

I was desperate for a resource to guide me. And I have to say that Sami's programs are EXACTLY THAT. After doing this life-changing work, I know that you can keep the spark alive just by knowing what keeps ROMANTIC attraction alive for a man.  

Today I am a happily married, and I highly recommend Sami Wunder's work for all women in relationships and married women!"


"With Sami's Tools, I Am Making A Good Marriage, GREAT!

After my divorce, I thought that all relationships started amazingly but will inevitably deteriorate as couples lose attraction for one another.  

My boyfriend (now husband) was devoted to me, but I was paranoid about the same thing happening to this relationship as it had with my failed marriage.  

I was desperate for a resource to guide me. And I have to say that Sami's programs are EXACTLY THAT. After doing this life-changing work, I know that you can keep the spark alive just by knowing what keeps ROMANTIC attraction alive for a man.  

Today I am a happily married, and I highly recommend Sami Wunder's work for all women in relationships and married women!"


"I Could Never Have Done This Without Sami!

I have been following Sami's dating system for over a year, and it’s not for the weak-hearted. It really takes a lot of guts to show up in such a high-value way in the dating process, stick to our guns, not sleep with every man who comes our way or give him boyfriend status so easily.  

I rotational dated till the last moment, before the man I was seeing (and who I am so deeply in love with) put a ring on my finger and told me he wants to claim me forever.  

It’s the best feeling on the planet! Thank you for all your help, Sami!”  


"I Could Never Have Done This Without Sami!

I have been following Sami's dating system for over a year, and it’s not for the weak-hearted. It really takes a lot of guts to show up in such a high-value way in the dating process, stick to our guns, not sleep with every man who comes our way or give him boyfriend status so easily.  

I rotational dated till the last moment, before the man I was seeing (and who I am so deeply in love with) put a ring on my finger and told me he wants to claim me forever.  

It’s the best feeling on the planet! Thank you for all your help, Sami!”  


"This Woman Saved My Marriage From The Brink Of Divorce!

I could write Sami Wunder a testimonial of a 1000 words.  

I found Sami in a moment when I thought that, if this didn't help either, I was ready to end my marriage of 20 years.  

This woman saved my marriage and made it turn into this loving, supportive, amazing relationship. I haven't felt so close to my husband in years."  


"This Woman Saved My Marriage From The Brink Of Divorce!

I could write Sami Wunder a testimonial of a 1000 words.  

I found Sami in a moment when I thought that, if this didn't help either, I was ready to end my marriage of 20 years.  

This woman saved my marriage and made it turn into this loving, supportive, amazing relationship. I haven't felt so close to my husband in years."  


"I Was Engaged Within 6 Months Of Starting To Work With Sami!

Sami Wunder is truly one of kind, and the community of women she has created is the most supported and responsive I have ever seen.  

Sami's teachings are not for the light-hearted, as they literally turn everything we think is the right way on its head. It's like learning to walk again, and doing things in whole different way which was for sure challenging.  

Sami, thank you for the bottom of my heart! You truly are a DIVA and made me create my diva wedding and life, which I love. Thank you beautiful lady!" 


"I Was Engaged Within 6 Months Of Starting To Work With Sami!

Sami Wunder is truly one of kind, and the community of women she has created is the most supported and responsive I have ever seen.  

Sami's teachings are not for the light-hearted, as they literally turn everything we think is the right way on its head. It's like learning to walk again, and doing things in whole different way which was for sure challenging.  

Sami, thank you for the bottom of my heart! You truly are a DIVA and made me create my diva wedding and life, which I love. Thank you beautiful lady!" 



One-Time Pay: €597
2 Easy Payments x €299


One-Time Pay: €597
2 Easy Payments x €299

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from your other training courses?

This is an advanced program focusing ONLY on teaching you the skill of building emotional attraction with high quality men.

Since this is advanced material on one specific topic, you will not find this content in any of my other programs, even if you are a private client or participating in Elevate, my six month group coaching program.

What kind of results can I expect?

Our single clients have reported incredible results in a short period of time after doing the course.

Results include  -

  • Breaking through the curse of going on 200 first dates and actually going on 2nd, 3rd and 4th dates with high caliber men
  • Feeling more emotional connection with the right kind of men they like.
  • Having more meaningful conversation on dates that make their dating journey more enjoyable.
  • Getting more high quality men interested in them and pursuing them (and not just for sex but for who they are as a person!)
  • Getting pursued and asked for exclusivity by men who want to claim them as girlfriends or even wives.
  • More emotional maturity and emotional intelligence for our clients, leading to their enhanced confidence around men.

Has this worked for other people?

Yes, this program has been taken by and worked for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other women.

Look for yourself at what some women are saying about the program.

Take me to the testimonials!

Why NOW?

Because your relationship matters, because the state of your dating life and personal life matters.

And because more and more women, all over the world are understanding the importance of coaching and mentorship when it comes to creating results in this area of their life.

With my expert support, you can create RESULTS so much faster in your love life or relationship, than you can do alone.

Why Sami? Why should I trust you?

Because I am an industry leader in the love coaching space and the only thing I like to lead with is my CLIENT RESULTS.

I´ve helped over 950 + of my clients walk down the aisle and say I DO to men who adore them…

And helped hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of others, attract happy, healthy relationships. 

Nothing else matters to me. Yes, I've been recognized by Forbes magazine, Time Magazine, called the ‘Get The Ring Coach’ by the BBC …

Yes, I serve clients across 86 countries of the globe….

Yes, over 17,000 women have bought my digital programs …

But to me, the biggest reason why you should trust me is because my clients get results. So I know my process and the skills I teach you work. 

How does it work?

As soon as you click purchase, an email will be sent giving you access to the contents of the course including the amazing bonuses I've added for you.

You get access to the course for one year. So you can watch it whenever you have time or feel inspired to. 

How can I get started?

I am so excited you're ready. I am so excited for you to experience the results from this program. At an investment of a dinner out in a fancy restaurant, you are going to learn skills of building emotional attraction that will last and support you for a lifetime.

How is this different from your other training courses?

This is an advanced program focusing ONLY on teaching you the skill of building emotional attraction with high quality men.

Since this is advanced material on one specific topic, you will not find this content in any of my other programs, even if you are a private client or participating in Elevate, my six month group coaching program.

What kind of results can I expect?

Our single clients have reported incredible results in a short period of time after doing the course.

Results include  -

  • Breaking through the curse of going on 200 first dates and actually going on 2nd, 3rd and 4th dates with high caliber men
  • Feeling more emotional connection with the right kind of men they like.
  • Having more meaningful conversation on dates that make their dating journey more enjoyable.
  • Getting more high quality men interested in them and pursuing them (and not just for sex but for who they are as a person!)
  • Getting pursued and asked for exclusivity by men who want to claim them as girlfriends or even wives.
  • More emotional maturity and emotional intelligence for our clients, leading to their enhanced confidence around men.

Has this worked for other people?

Yes, this program has been taken by and worked for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other women.

Look for yourself at what some women are saying about the program.

Take me to the testimonials!

Why NOW?

Because your relationship matters, because the state of your dating life and personal life matters.

And because more and more women, all over the world are understanding the importance of coaching and mentorship when it comes to creating results in this area of their life.

With my expert support, you can create RESULTS so much faster in your love life or relationship, than you can do alone.

Why Sami? Why should I trust you?

Because I am an industry leader in the love coaching space and the only thing I like to lead with is my CLIENT RESULTS.

I´ve helped over 950+ of my clients walk down the aisle and say I DO to men who adore them…

And helped hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of others, attract happy, healthy relationships. 

Nothing else matters to me. Yes, I´ve been recognized by Forbes magazine, Time Magazine, called the ‘Get The Ring Coach’ by the BBC …

Yes, I serve clients across 86 countries of the globe….

Yes, over 17,000 women have bought my digital programs …

But to me, the biggest reason why you should trust me is because my clients get results. So I know my process and the skills I teach you work. 

How does it work?

As soon as you click purchase, an email will be sent giving you access to the contents of the course including the amazing bonuses I've added for you.

You get access to the course for one year. So you can watch it whenever you have time or feel inspired to. 

How can I get started?

I am so excited you´re ready. I am so excited for you to experience the results from this program. At an investment of a dinner out in a fancy restaurant, you are going to learn skills of building emotional attraction that will last and support you for a lifetime.

What Happens When You Sign Up?

1. You will be asked if you want to top up your purchase with one out of 2 amazing discounted expert masterclasses that you can supplement this course with (the masterclasses are on the same topic, but, like this course itself, there are 2 versions based on the stage you are in; make sure you get the right one!).

You can take this extra add-on offer or leave it, depending upon your current needs.


2. Once you pay, you will receive a welcome email in 5-10 minutes with your access details.

Please ensure you give us the same email upon your purchase (without errors) that you want us to contact you on.  

Support: If you do not receive your invoice or welcome email by any chance, please check your spam and junk email folders. If after 30 minutes, the mail has not arrived, please email and my client management team will take good care of you, usually within 24 hours but in a maximum of 48 hours.  

That's it. Easy peasy, just the way it should be.

What Happens When You Sign Up?

1. You will be asked if you want to top up your purchase with one out of 2 amazing discounted expert masterclasses that you can supplement this course with (the masterclasses are on the same topic, but, like this course itself, there are 2 versions based on the stage you are in; make sure you get the right one!).

You can take this extra add-on offer or leave it, depending upon your current needs.


2. Once you pay, you will receive a welcome email in 5-10 minutes with your access details.

Please ensure you give us the same email upon your purchase (without errors) that you want us to contact you on.  

Support: If you do not receive your invoice or welcome email by any chance, please check your spam and junk email folders. If after 30 minutes, the mail has not arrived, please email and my client management team will take good care of you, usually within 24 hours but in a maximum of 48 hours.  

That's it. Easy peasy, just the way it should be.

See you on the other side...

Sami Wunder

See you on the other side...


Sami Wunder