It's YOUR TimeTo Create Your Grand Relationship With Unshakable Clarity & Confidence!

It's YOUR Time⏳To Create Your Grand Relationship With Unshakable Clarity & Confidence!

Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


So, let's see, taken diva... does this resonate?

  • You feel disconnected from your man, but you can’t put your finger on why.
  • Long-term relationships never get to the commitment/proposal stage for you.
  • Your man seems more guarded and ‘in his own world’ vs. interested in you…
  • You miss those deep conversations you used to have where he was keen to know about your feelings.
  • Your attempts to get him to open up lead to arguments.
  • Nothing you do seems to pique his interest and you don’t know what else to try…
  • When you feel like you’re finally moving the needle and making a real connection after dating a man for months, he disappears.
  • Sex has reduced or disappeared entirely from your relationship.
  • You’re always coming second to video games and Playstation, and you’re tired of feeling taken for granted.

So, let's see, taken diva... does this resonate?

  • You feel disconnected from your man, but you can’t put your finger on why.
  • Long-term relationships never get to the commitment/proposal stage for you.
  • Your man seems more guarded and ‘in his own world’ vs. interested in you…
  • You miss those deep conversations you used to have where he was keen to know about your feelings.
  • Your attempts to get him to open up lead to arguments.
  • Nothing you do seems to pique his interest and you don’t know what else to try…
  • When you feel like you’re finally moving the needle and making a real connection after dating a man for months, he disappears.
  • Sex has reduced or disappeared entirely from your relationship.
  • You’re always coming second to video games and Playstation, and you’re tired of feeling taken for granted.

What if I told you, instead of...
Hitting walls and getting frustrated

Wondering if YOU ARE the problem

Trying to change yourself to improve your relationships


  • Stop ruminating on what you could be doing wrong,
    start seeing real changes in your marriage or relationship?

  • Start growing together with your man, in the same direction,
    instead of growing apart?

  • Recover the spark and chemistry you’ve lost in the bedroom?

  • Feel your man craving your presence again without having to go above and beyond to pull him in?

  • Recover those deep, meaningful conversations you once had
    with your man without ending in arguments or fights?

All of these is
possible for you and your man
- you just need to learn how to
❤️Build Emotional Attraction in YOUR Relationship.❤️

What if I told you, instead of... Hitting walls and getting frustrated Wondering if YOU ARE the problem Trying to change yourself to improve your relationships


  • Stop ruminating on what you could be doing wrong,
    start seeing real changes in your marriage or relationship?

  • Start growing together with your man, in the same direction,
    instead of growing apart?

  • Recover the spark and chemistry you’ve lost in the bedroom?

  • Feel your man craving your presence again without having to go above and beyond to pull him in?

  • Recover those deep, meaningful conversations you once had
    with your man without ending in arguments or fights?

All of these is
possible for you and your man
- you just need to learn how to
❤️Build Emotional Attraction in YOUR Relationship.❤️

While we're at this, let's dig a little deeper...

There is Physical Attraction between a man and a woman… 🔥

🔥This gets you the hot moves in bed, the juicy lovemaking, the sizzling chemistry.

And then there is Emotional Attraction, that gets him worshipping you, telling you daily “You're the best thing that ever happened to me!”, surprising you with flowers and holding you tight when your heart hurts or when the world lets you down… 

While we're at this, let's dig a little deeper...

There is Physical Attraction between a man and a woman… 🔥

🔥This gets you the hot moves in bed, the juicy lovemaking, the sizzling chemistry.

And then there is Emotional Attraction, that gets him worshipping you, telling you daily “You're the best thing that ever happened to me!”, surprising you with flowers and holding you tight when your heart hurts or when the world lets you down… 

Now, I want you to have BOTH those elements
present in your
Forever Love

Hell yeah!!

Now, I want you to have BOTH those elements
present in your
Forever Love

Hell yeah!!

AND yet… here's what I know after serving over 17000 premium clients, both amazing married women and singles over the last couple of years:

It's not the physical attraction that is hard to feel towards a good looking, high-caliber man.

The true challenge is to get beyond the physical attraction part and build something REAL – i.e. an authentic, heart-based connection that lasts and takes the relationship forward.

Now, Emotional Attraction is the 🗝️ key ingredient that makes this possible, and this is why I am so pumped to teach you how to create this as part of this never-done-before course.  

For women in relationships and married woman,
Emotional Attraction is the game-changer
on which the elements of intimacy, connection and even strong physical attraction and great sex rest.

AND yet… here's what I know after serving over 17000 premium clients, both amazing married women and singles over the last couple of years:

It's not the physical attraction that is hard to feel towards a good looking, high-caliber man.

The true challenge is to get beyond the physical attraction part and build something REAL – i.e. an authentic, heart-based connection that lasts and takes the relationship forward.

Now, Emotional Attraction is the 🗝️ key ingredient that makes this possible, and this is why I am so pumped to teach you how to create this as part of this never-done-before course.

For women in relationships and married woman,
Emotional Attraction is the game-changer
on which the elements of intimacy, connection and even strong physical attraction and great sex rest.

Hey, I’m Sami.

I’m a leading international relationship and dating expert who specialises in working with ambitious women like you, and helping them attract lasting romantic love.

As the CEO of a thriving 7-figure business, I support incredible women all over the world - ranging from TV stars to a Hollywood celebrity; from CEOs to UK TV stars to bankers, lawyers, doctors, corporate professionals and entrepreneurs.

They all have one thing in common - they’re successful in life, but not in love and that’s where I come in.

I know exactly what it’s like to play the endless dating game and feel like you need to twist yourself into a pretzel just to please a man…

Because once upon a time that was me…

I would go on endless ‘first dates’ that would not lead anywhere…

I felt like no man could ‘handle’ me or my success or my brains in dating…

Till I realised that I was leading so heavily in my masculine energy around men and my heart was so guarded and closed off…

That the very men I liked - the empowered, ambitious ones, were repulsed by this energy.

It was only when I learnt the power of leading with my feminine energy, opening my heart and embracing my emotions in dating and around men…

That a whole new world opened up for me.

Men didn't want to ‘just’ take me to bed anymore.

They started to respect me for what I brought to the table as a woman of substance.

They opened doors for me, picked me up for dates, picked up the cheque…

They wanted to get to KNOW me.

And the best part?

I wasn't doing much!

I was literally just engaging their emotions, building emotional attraction and just being a feminine woman around them.

After a few months of successful dating, where I got spoiled by men left, right and centre …

My now wonderful husband of 11 years Chris stepped up and proposed within 9 months of dating.

He is the most loving, devoted, loyal man I have ever met….

He spoils me rotten, is a great father to our kids and just the most emotionally available and present masculine man I have ever met in my life.

And I want you to know that you deserve the lasting devotion of a heart-centred, authentic connection that a high-calibre man has to offer.

If Emotional Attraction is missing in your committed relationship
or marriage, you will find yourself in scenarios where:

  • He is often critical and not supportive of you,
    leading to feelings of disconnection, arguments and fights.
  • The sex has flown out of the window.
  • You miss those deep and connected conversations with your man,
    where he was so keen to know how you felt about something.
  • The video games and Playstation seems to call him more,
    vs. spending time with you.

Now, regardless of what's going on, stop for just a moment and dream with me.

If Emotional Attraction is missing in your committed relationship
or marriage, you will find yourself in scenarios where:

  • He is often critical and not supportive of you,
    leading to feelings of disconnection, arguments and fights.
  • The sex has flown out of the window.
  • You miss those deep and connected conversations with your man,
    where he was so keen to know how you felt about something.
  • The video games and Playstation seems to call him more,
    vs. spending time with you.

Now, regardless of what's going on, stop for just a moment and dream with me.

How would it feel...

🔥 To have him crave and want your presence more?

🔥 To have those deep, soulful conversations with your partner, without them ending into fights or argument.

🔥 To grow together in the same direction, vs. grow apart?

🔥 To have the sparks and chemistry return in the bedroom? 

How would it feel...

🔥 To have him crave and want your presence more?

🔥 To have those deep, soulful conversations with your partner, without them ending into fights or argument.

🔥 To grow together in the same direction, vs. grow apart?

🔥 To have the sparks and chemistry return in the bedroom? 

“But Sami, HOW?!

How do I build Emotional Attraction with my man?”

Well... That’s the most beautiful part, my diva:

building Emotional Attraction is not rocket science.

In this program, I will take you on a deep dive into your understanding of emotional attraction, helping you to identify the reasons why you are struggling to build emotional attraction with your man, so that you can have the relationship and connection that you truly desire.

Plus, you'll have some pretty bombastic results that you can get FAST and drink 🥂champagne to!


“But Sami, HOW?!

How do I build Emotional Attraction with my man?”

Well... That’s the most beautiful part, my diva:

building Emotional Attraction is not rocket science.

In this program, I will take you on a deep dive into your understanding of emotional attraction, helping you to identify the reasons why you are struggling to build emotional attraction with your man, so that you can have the relationship and connection that you truly desire.

Plus, you'll have some pretty bombastic results that you can get FAST and drink 🥂champagne to!


   2 Easy Payments x €299 

Here's what's included for 12 months access:

Video Training #1: Blocks To Emotional Attraction

Emotional Attraction is magic, and you're going to be Diva Enchantress who practices this sorcery, leaving men feeling bewitched.

Jokes apart, Training #1 is all about understanding the differences between physical attraction, Emotional Attraction, chemistry and intimacy, when it comes to our men.

1) If you’re blocking Emotional Attraction from happening, developing, and sustaining - we are going to get to the bottom of it! Through client examples and stories, mine included, you will learn exactly what NOT to do when it comes to creating and maintaining emotional attraction.

2) You will also learn to spot the signs that Emotional Attraction is not building enough in your interactions with men, or your man. This will take away the confusion and “What's wrong with me?” kind of statements from your experiences, and help you become more objective with finding solutions that stick and tick.  

Video Training #2: The Explosive Emotional Attraction Combo

After all the 'DON'T DO's of the previous part, Training #2 is where I finally reveal how men bond and connect in a romantic context. 

You will discover the 2 secret elements that allow Emotional Attraction to develop for him (one of them might surprise you!) 

Practiced together and in the right amounts, these 2 explosive elements will be the glue that binds his heart to yours! And in this training, I teach you exactly how to do that and give you practical tools to implement each of the 2 elements.

Training #2 also includes a short but supremely powerful Guided Meditation experience that deeply touched the participants in the live edition of this program.

Video Training #3: The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A

You will to have your hands full after this! 

Training #3 carries on and builds upon the richness of Training #2, where we get deeper into a multitude of handy, practical tools that you can use straight away, on the man you're in a relationship with or your husband of many years.

I take you through the tools, help you practice them, and turn you into a master attractor.  

The two versions of the program (which you can choose after purchase) include many different, specialized Emotional Attraction tools for singles and women in relationships, respectively.  

The recording of this training also includes a Q&A section, where I took up some great questions from the participants in the live edition. How I reply to these women just like you is extremely valuable to learn from!

Here's what's included for 12 months access:

Video Training #1: Blocks To Emotional Attraction

Emotional Attraction is magic, and you're going to be Diva Enchantress who practices this sorcery, leaving men feeling bewitched.

Jokes apart, Training #1 is all about understanding the differences between physical attraction, Emotional Attraction, chemistry and intimacy, when it comes to our men.

1) If you’re blocking Emotional Attraction from happening, developing, and sustaining - we are going to get to the bottom of it! Through client examples and stories, mine included, you will learn exactly what NOT to do when it comes to creating and maintaining emotional attraction.

2) You will also learn to spot the signs that Emotional Attraction is not building enough in your interactions with men, or your man. This will take away the confusion and “What's wrong with me?” kind of statements from your experiences, and help you become more objective with finding solutions that stick and tick.  

Video Training #2: The Explosive Emotional Attraction Combo

After all the 'DON'T DO's of the previous part, Training #2 is where I finally reveal how men bond and connect in a romantic context. 

You will discover the 2 secret elements that allow Emotional Attraction to develop for him (one of them might surprise you!) 

Practiced together and in the right amounts, these 2 explosive elements will be the glue that binds his heart to yours! And in this training, I teach you exactly how to do that and give you practical tools to implement each of the 2 elements.

Training #2 also includes a short but supremely powerful Guided Meditation experience that deeply touched the participants in the live edition of this program.

Video Training #3: The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A

You will to have your hands full after this! 

Training #3 carries on and builds upon the richness of Training #2, where we get deeper into a multitude of handy, practical tools that you can use straight away, on the man you're in a relationship with or your husband of many years.

I take you through the tools, help you practice them, and turn you into a master attractor.  

The two versions of the program (which you can choose after purchase) include many different, specialized Emotional Attraction tools for singles and women in relationships, respectively.  

The recording of this training also includes a Q&A section, where I took up some great questions from the participants in the live edition. How I reply to these women just like you is extremely valuable to learn from!

On top of all the teachings in the three recorded video trainings (over 4.5 hours of recorded content), you’ll also get done-for-you practical guides, worksheets and resources to help you put what you learn into practice right away…

On top of all the teachings in the three recorded video trainings (over 4.5 hours of recorded content), you’ll also get done-for-you practical guides, worksheets and resources to help you put what you learn into practice right away…

But that’s not all - You’ll also get not one, not two, but 8 powerful bonuses when you dive in today that will forever change the dating game for you included when you dive in today...


Value €200, now FREE

Self Assessment Questionnaire

Before diving into the program proper, take a moment to determine your starting point with this quick self-evaluation! 


Value €97, now FREE

Empowered Diva Affirmations PDF: Trusting My Man

You cannot create Emotional Attraction with your man, if your heart is closed to men in general! Cultivate openness and trust by repeating these affirmations daily!


Value €97, now FREE

PDF Cheat-Sheet - 10 Signs Of Emotionally Immature Men 

A real, fulfilling Emotional connection can only happen with an emotionally mature man (and this has nothing to do with his age!) Use this cheat-sheet to help identify an emotionally immature man!


Value €47, now FREE

Audio guided meditation - It’s Safe to Open My Heart

This empowering meditation will help you to open your heart and connect with your man, allowing yourself to be soft and open to love.


Value €47, now FREE

PDF cheat-sheet: Balanced Goddess, Balanced Expectations - 15 Affirmations

Use these empowered affirmations to help yourself be open to a balanced, loving, healthy relationship.


Value €47, now FREE

The Little Black Book of Intimacy-Fostering Questions To Ask Your Partner

Feel like you have nothing to talk about any more? Use these question prompts to encourage communication, create Emotional Attraction and get to know your partner better!


Value €97, now FREE

Empowered Diva Affirmations PDF: Trusting My Man

You cannot create Emotional Attraction with your man, if your heart is closed to men in general! Cultivate openness and trust by repeating these affirmations daily!


Value €3000, now FREE

LIVE group Q&A Call with Sami herself!

This live group call will allow you to get laser-focused live coaching support from Sami on your particular situation.

But that’s not all - You’ll also get not one, not two, but 8 powerful bonuses when you dive in today that will forever change the dating game for you included when you dive in today...


Value €200, now FREE

Self Assessment Questionnaire

Before diving into the program proper, take a moment to determine your starting point with this quick self-evaluation! 


Value €97, now FREE

Empowered Diva Affirmations PDF: Trusting My Man

You cannot create Emotional Attraction with your man, if your heart is closed to men in general! Cultivate openness and trust by repeating these affirmations daily!


Value €97, now FREE

PDF Cheat-Sheet - 10 Signs Of Emotionally Immature Men 

A real, fulfilling Emotional connection can only happen with an emotionally mature man (and this has nothing to do with his age!) Use this cheat-sheet to help identify an emotionally immature man!


Value €47, now FREE

Audio guided meditation - It’s Safe to Open My Heart

This empowering meditation will help you to open your heart and connect with your man, allowing yourself to be soft and open to love.


Value €47, now FREE

PDF cheat-sheet: Balanced Goddess, Balanced Expectations - 15 Affirmations

Use these empowered affirmations to help yourself be open to a balanced, loving, healthy relationship.


Value €47, now FREE

The Little Black Book of Intimacy-Fostering Questions To Ask Your Partner

Feel like you have nothing to talk about any more? Use these question prompts to encourage communication, create Emotional Attraction and get to know your partner better!


Value €47, now FREE

Express Yourself Cheatsheet: Ways to Express How You Feel When You Don’t Have the Words

When you are living most of your life on autopilot, just moving from one task to the next, dropping into your body and feeling your feelings can be very hard. Sometimes we just don't have the language to name what we are feeling. Use this vocabulary list (from my specialized communication course Speak To His Heart) to help you identify and express different feelings and emotions (and in a way that pulls him closer).

This isn’t about lighting candles or stuffing your bra with crystals in the hope to manifest your dream man…

This is about empowering you with a skillset that will serve you in all your future relationships (including most importantly - the one with yourself).


Value €3000, now FREE

LIVE group Q&A Call with Sami herself!

This live group call will allow you to get laser-focused live coaching support from Sami on your particular situation.


And if that wasn’t enough, for a limited time only you’ll also get access to a one off, live group coaching session with me where you can bring to me any questions about your own personal situation with your man or your dating life
(Value of live bonus - €3000)


And if that wasn’t enough, for a limited time only you’ll also get access to a one off, live group coaching session with me where you can bring to me any questions about your own personal situation with your man or your dating life
(Value of live bonus - €3000)

Plus, if you join Building Emotional Attraction
before 23rd April Midnight PST,
You will receive our fast action bonuses worth

€4000! 🔥

Plus, if you join Building Emotional Attraction
before 23rd April Midnight PST,
You will receive our fast action bonuses worth

€4000! 🔥

Bonus One

The Feminine Art Of Flirting With Men, Straight From my Elevate program ($497 value) to help you flirt up a storm with your man and drive him crazy with desire. 

Bonus Two

The Feminine Art Of Texting, Straight From My Elevate Program ($497 value) so that your texts actually lead to play, fun and connection with your man, even when you are traveling or at work.

Bonus One

The Feminine Art Of Flirting With Men, Straight From my Elevate program ($497 value) to help you flirt up a storm with your man and drive him crazy with desire. 

Bonus Two

The Feminine Art Of Texting, Straight From My Elevate Program ($497 value) so that your texts actually lead to play, fun and connection with your man, even when you are traveling or at work.

Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


Early Bird Bonuses Expire in...


To recap exactly what you get in
Building Emotional Attraction Program

  • Video Training Part 1: Blocks to Emotional Attraction (Value €397)
  • Video Training Part 1: The Explosive Emotional Attraction Combo (Value €397)
  • Video Training Part 1: The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A (Value €397)
  • 8 Bonuses (Value €582)
  • Live Q&A call (Value €3000)

To recap exactly what you get in
Building Emotional Attraction Program

  • Video Training Part 1: Blocks to Emotional Attraction (Value €397)
  • Video Training Part 1: The Explosive Emotional Attraction Combo (Value €397)
  • Video Training Part 1: The Emotional Attraction Toolbox + Q&A (Value €397)
  • 8 Bonuses (Value €582)
  • Live Q&A call (Value €3000)

Look what our clients have experienced through this program

Look what our clients have experienced through this program

Check out some our client success stories:

Check out some our client success stories:

Check out some our client success stories:

"Sami Wunder's Work Is 100% Authentic, Inspiring & Life-Changing!  

It provides the most in-depth and expansive understanding I have seen so far, about creating a vivid, loving and solid relationship, with ourselves and with the man in our lives.  

It's so easy to read reviews and not whole-heartedly believe them, but I want to tell you that this photo of mine shows nothing but the truth behind the results this programme has got for me.  

Within 6 months of starting to work with Sami, I attracted a naturally flowing, happy relationship with an incredible man. We had a beautiful wedding in Scotland in March 2018, and my husband continues to passionately go out of his way to see me radiant and content every single day.  

Thank you, Sami, for doing what you do!" 


Check out some our client success stories:

"Sami Wunder's Work Is 100% Authentic, Inspiring & Life-Changing!  

It provides the most in-depth and expansive understanding I have seen so far, about creating a vivid, loving and solid relationship, with ourselves and with the man in our lives.  

It's so easy to read reviews and not whole-heartedly believe them, but I want to tell you that this photo of mine shows nothing but the truth behind the results this programme has got for me.  

Within 6 months of starting to work with Sami, I attracted a naturally flowing, happy relationship with an incredible man. We had a beautiful wedding in Scotland in March 2018, and my husband continues to passionately go out of his way to see me radiant and content every single day.  

Thank you, Sami, for doing what you do!" 


"With Sami's Tools, I Am Making A Good Marriage, GREAT!

After my divorce, I thought that all relationships started amazingly but will inevitably deteriorate as couples lose attraction for one another.  

My boyfriend (now husband) was devoted to me, but I was paranoid about the same thing happening to this relationship as it had with my failed marriage.  

I was desperate for a resource to guide me. And I have to say that Sami's programs are EXACTLY THAT. After doing this life-changing work, I know that you can keep the spark alive just by knowing what keeps ROMANTIC attraction alive for a man.  

Today I am a happily married, and I highly recommend Sami Wunder's work for all women in relationships and married women!"


"With Sami's Tools, I Am Making A Good Marriage, GREAT!

After my divorce, I thought that all relationships started amazingly but will inevitably deteriorate as couples lose attraction for one another.  

My boyfriend (now husband) was devoted to me, but I was paranoid about the same thing happening to this relationship as it had with my failed marriage.  

I was desperate for a resource to guide me. And I have to say that Sami's programs are EXACTLY THAT. After doing this life-changing work, I know that you can keep the spark alive just by knowing what keeps ROMANTIC attraction alive for a man.  

Today I am a happily married, and I highly recommend Sami Wunder's work for all women in relationships and married women!"


"I Could Never Have Done This Without Sami!

I have been following Sami's dating system for over a year, and it’s not for the weak-hearted. It really takes a lot of guts to show up in such a high-value way in the dating process, stick to our guns, not sleep with every man who comes our way or give him boyfriend status so easily.  

I rotational dated till the last moment, before the man I was seeing (and who I am so deeply in love with) put a ring on my finger and told me he wants to claim me forever.  

It’s the best feeling on the planet! Thank you for all your help, Sami!”  


"I Could Never Have Done This Without Sami!

I have been following Sami's dating system for over a year, and it’s not for the weak-hearted. It really takes a lot of guts to show up in such a high-value way in the dating process, stick to our guns, not sleep with every man who comes our way or give him boyfriend status so easily.  

I rotational dated till the last moment, before the man I was seeing (and who I am so deeply in love with) put a ring on my finger and told me he wants to claim me forever.  

It’s the best feeling on the planet! Thank you for all your help, Sami!”  


"This Woman Saved My Marriage From The Brink Of Divorce!

I could write Sami Wunder a testimonial of a 1000 words.  

I found Sami in a moment when I thought that, if this didn't help either, I was ready to end my marriage of 20 years.  

This woman saved my marriage and made it turn into this loving, supportive, amazing relationship. I haven't felt so close to my husband in years."  


"This Woman Saved My Marriage From The Brink Of Divorce!

I could write Sami Wunder a testimonial of a 1000 words.  

I found Sami in a moment when I thought that, if this didn't help either, I was ready to end my marriage of 20 years.  

This woman saved my marriage and made it turn into this loving, supportive, amazing relationship. I haven't felt so close to my husband in years."  


"I Was Engaged Within 6 Months Of Starting To Work With Sami!

Sami Wunder is truly one of kind, and the community of women she has created is the most supported and responsive I have ever seen.  

Sami's teachings are not for the light-hearted, as they literally turn everything we think is the right way on its head. It's like learning to walk again, and doing things in whole different way which was for sure challenging.  

Sami, thank you for the bottom of my heart! You truly are a DIVA and made me create my diva wedding and life, which I love. Thank you beautiful lady!" 


"I Was Engaged Within 6 Months Of Starting To Work With Sami!

Sami Wunder is truly one of kind, and the community of women she has created is the most supported and responsive I have ever seen.  

Sami's teachings are not for the light-hearted, as they literally turn everything we think is the right way on its head. It's like learning to walk again, and doing things in whole different way which was for sure challenging.  

Sami, thank you for the bottom of my heart! You truly are a DIVA and made me create my diva wedding and life, which I love. Thank you beautiful lady!" 


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from your other training courses?

This is an advanced program focusing ONLY on teaching you the skill of building emotional attraction with high quality men.

Since this is advanced material on one specific topic, you will not find this content in any of my other programs, even if you are a private client or participating in Elevate, my six month group coaching program.

What kind of results can I expect?

Our clients in relationships have reported results such as - 

  • Their partner starts to feel safer around them and opens up more to them
  • More vulnerable and honest conversations with each other while holding hands
  • More passion and sex in the bedroom, without asking for it or trying harder for it
  • Less arguments and fights and power struggles, leading to more peace for the family.
  • More connection, joyful moments and intimacy in the relationship.
  • This course has saved many marriages and relationships about to break apart and we are very proud of this.

Has this worked for other people?

Yes, this program has been taken by and worked for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other women.

Look for yourself at what some women are saying about the program.

Take me to the testimonials!

Why NOW?

Because your relationship matters, because the state of your dating life and personal life matters.

And because more and more women, all over the world are understanding the importance of coaching and mentorship when it comes to creating results in this area of their life.

With my expert support, you can create RESULTS so much faster in your love life or relationship, than you can do alone.

Why Sami? Why should I trust you?

Because I am an industry leader in the love coaching space and the only thing I like to lead with is my CLIENT RESULTS.

I've helped over 950+ of my clients walk down the aisle and say I DO to men who adore them…

And helped hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of others, attract happy, healthy relationships. 

Nothing else matters to me. Yes, I've been recognized by Forbes magazine, Time Magazine, called the ‘Get The Ring Coach’ by the BBC …

Yes, I serve clients across 86 countries of the globe….

Yes, over 17,000 women have bought my digital programs …

But to me, the biggest reason why you should trust me is because my clients get results. So I know my process and the skills I teach you work. 

How does it work?

As soon as you click purchase, an email will be sent giving you access to the contents of the course including the amazing bonuses I've added for you.

You get access to the course for one year. So you can watch it whenever you have time or feel inspired to. 

How can I get started?

I am so excited you're ready. I am so excited for you to experience the results from this program. At an investment of a dinner out in a fancy restaurant, you are going to learn skills of building emotional attraction that will last and support you for a lifetime.

How is this different from your other training courses?

This is an advanced program focusing ONLY on teaching you the skill of building emotional attraction with high quality men.

Since this is advanced material on one specific topic, you will not find this content in any of my other programs, even if you are a private client or participating in Elevate, my six month group coaching program.

What kind of results can I expect?

Our clients in relationships have reported results such as - 

  • Their partner starts to feel safer around them and opens up more to them
  • More vulnerable and honest conversations with each other while holding hands
  • More passion and sex in the bedroom, without asking for it or trying harder for it
  • Less arguments and fights and power struggles, leading to more peace for the family.
  • More connection, joyful moments and intimacy in the relationship.
  • This course has saved many marriages and relationships about to break apart and we are very proud of this.

Has this worked for other people?

Yes, this program has been taken by and worked for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other women.

Look for yourself at what some women are saying about the program.

Take me to the testimonials!

Why NOW?

Because your relationship matters, because the state of your dating life and personal life matters.

And because more and more women, all over the world are understanding the importance of coaching and mentorship when it comes to creating results in this area of their life.

With my expert support, you can create RESULTS so much faster in your love life or relationship, than you can do alone.

Why Sami? Why should I trust you?

Because I am an industry leader in the love coaching space and the only thing I like to lead with is my CLIENT RESULTS.

I've helped over 950+ of my clients walk down the aisle and say I DO to men who adore them…

And helped hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of others, attract happy, healthy relationships. 

Nothing else matters to me. Yes, I've been recognized by Forbes magazine, Time Magazine, called the ‘Get The Ring Coach’ by the BBC …

Yes, I serve clients across 86 countries of the globe….

Yes, over 17,000 women have bought my digital programs …

But to me, the biggest reason why you should trust me is because my clients get results. So I know my process and the skills I teach you work. 

How does it work?

As soon as you click purchase, an email will be sent giving you access to the contents of the course including the amazing bonuses I've added for you.

You get access to the course for one year. So you can watch it whenever you have time or feel inspired to. 

How can I get started?

I am so excited you're ready. I am so excited for you to experience the results from this program. At an investment of a dinner out in a fancy restaurant, you are going to learn skills of building emotional attraction that will last and support you for a lifetime.

What Happens When You Sign Up?

1. You will be asked if you want to top up your purchase with one out of 2 amazing discounted expert masterclasses that you can supplement this course with (the masterclasses are on the same topic, but, like this course itself, there are 2 versions based on the stage you are in; make sure you get the right one!).

You can take this extra add-on offer or leave it, depending upon your current needs.


2. Once you pay, you will receive a welcome email in 5-10 minutes with your access details.

Please ensure you give us the same email upon your purchase (without errors) that you want us to contact you on.  

Support: If you do not receive your invoice or welcome email by any chance, please check your spam and junk email folders. If after 30 minutes, the mail has not arrived, please email and my client management team will take good care of you, usually within 24 hours but in a maximum of 48 hours.  

That's it. Easy peasy, just the way it should be.

What Happens When You Sign Up?

1. You will be asked if you want to top up your purchase with one out of 2 amazing discounted expert masterclasses that you can supplement this course with (the masterclasses are on the same topic, but, like this course itself, there are 2 versions based on the stage you are in; make sure you get the right one!).

You can take this extra add-on offer or leave it, depending upon your current needs.


2. Once you pay, you will receive a welcome email in 5-10 minutes with your access details.

Please ensure you give us the same email upon your purchase (without errors) that you want us to contact you on.  

Support: If you do not receive your invoice or welcome email by any chance, please check your spam and junk email folders. If after 30 minutes, the mail has not arrived, please email and my client management team will take good care of you, usually within 24 hours but in a maximum of 48 hours.  

That's it. Easy peasy, just the way it should be.

I know this is going to be life-changing. I simply wouldn't wait.

See you on the other side...


Sami Wunder

See you on the other side...


Sami Wunder