It's YOUR TimeTo Create Your Grand Love Story!

It's YOUR Time⏳To Create Your Grand Love Story!

Are you READY to attract the love of your life
in the shortest amount of time?

Yes! I'm Ready to Create My Grand Love Story

Are you READY to attract the love of your life
in the shortest amount of time?

Yes! I'm Ready to Create My Grand Love Story

’Leap Into Love’ gives you my proven 6-Step Soulmate Attraction Process that has helped 900+ of my clients attract amazing empowered men.

It is an online, self-study program that the busy woman can do at her own pace and still completely SHIFT the way she shows up and magnetizes high-quality men.

It only took me 9 months to attract my amazing husband using the same process!

’Leap Into Love’ gives you my proven 6-Step Soulmate Attraction Process that has helped 900+ of my clients attract amazing empowered men.

It is an online, self-study program that the busy woman can do at her own pace and still completely SHIFT the way she shows up and magnetizes high-quality men.

It only took me 9 months to attract my amazing husband using the same process!

’Leap Into Love’ gives you my proven 6-Step Soulmate Attraction Process that has helped 900+ of my clients attract amazing empowered men

It is an online, self-study program that the busy woman can do at her own pace and still completely SHIFT the way she shows up and magnetizes high-quality men.

It only took me 9 months to attract my amazing husband using the same process!

And helped hundreds of women like you attract similar results…

And helped hundreds of women like you attract similar results…

Abby struggled with rotational dating and not feeling worthy in relationships. After ‘Leap Into Love’, she not only learned about herself, but also attracted the man of her dreams:

Kim came to me after years of settling and feeling as though her masculine energy made her unworthy of relationships. After diving into ‘Leap Into Love’ feet first, she is now dating her dream man and feels worthy in both her feminine and masculine energy:

Abby struggled with rotational dating and not feeling worthy in relationships. After ‘Leap Into Love’, she not only learned about herself, but also attracted the man of her dreams:

Kim came to me after years of settling and feeling as though her masculine energy made her unworthy of relationships. After diving into ‘Leap Into Love’ feet first, she is now dating her dream man and feels worthy in both her feminine and masculine energy:

This Program Is For You If -

This Program Is For You If -

  • You feel tired of dating men who promise you the world and then ghost on you.
  • You feel exhausted from entering and leaving new relationships that don't attract ‘forever commitment.’
  • You feel overwhelmed by dating, and feel it is too much work to ‘get a good man.’
  • You are tired of feeling like you have to ‘change yourself’ to attract a high-caliber man who sees your value. 

    If you’ve said ‘yes,’ I hear you, I see you, and I want to assure you that there is another way that is easier.

    It is your time to go from over-thinking, confused, lonely, and unfulfilled in love, to owning your feminine power on this planet and effortlessly attracting the love of your life.

    ‘Leap Into Love’ will help you do exactly this, using my tried and tested 6-step Wunder Soulmate Attraction Method that has led to hundreds of engagements, happy marriages, committed relationships, and even Wunder babies!!
  • You feel tired of dating men who promise you the world and then ghost on you.
  • You feel exhausted from entering and leaving new relationships that don't attract ‘forever commitment.’
  • You feel overwhelmed by dating, and feel it is too much work to ‘get a good man.’
  • You are tired of feeling like you have to ‘change yourself’ to attract a high-caliber man who sees your value. 

    If you’ve said ‘yes,’ I hear you, I see you, and I want to assure you that there is another way that is easier.

    It is your time to go from over-thinking, confused, lonely, and unfulfilled in love, to owning your feminine power on this planet and effortlessly attracting the love of your life.

    ‘Leap Into Love’ will help you do exactly this, using my tried and tested 6-step Wunder Soulmate Attraction Method that has led to hundreds of engagements, happy marriages, committed relationships, and even Wunder babies!!

Adina came to the me not trusting herself and attracting unavailable men, and feeling a need to be the perfect woman. After 2 months in ‘Leap Into Love’, she is now happy with a man who treats her like a queen and moved countries for her:

Tatjana came to me while dating after divorce, and was operating a lot in her masculine energy. 'Leap Into Love' helped her embrace her Feminine, move past her limiting beliefs, and stepped into a fulfilling, healed life:

Adina came to me not trusting herself and attracting unavailable men, and feeling a need to be the perfect woman. After 2 months in ‘Leap Into Love’, she is now happily with a man who treats her like a queen and moved countries for her:

Tatjana came to me while dating after divorce, and was operating a lot in her masculine energy. 'Leap Into Love' helped her embrace her Feminine, move past her limiting beliefs, and stepped into a fulfilling, healed life:

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Watch Even More Client Success Stories Resulting From Leap Into Love

Watch Even More Client Success Stories Resulting From Leap Into Love

Inessa was heartbroken after breaking up with the man she thought was the one, and a prior 20 year marriage. After joining ‘Leap Into Love’, she is now dating her perfect man:

Goska came to me feeling lost and like she didn’t know how to navigate the complex dating world. After investing in herself with ‘Leap into Love’, she tackled her limiting beliefs and is now attracting men who treat her like the goddess she knows she is:

Inessa was heartbroken after breaking up with the man she thought was the one, and a prior 20 year marriage. After joining ‘Leap Into Love’, she is now dating her perfect man:

Goska came to me feeling lost and like she didn’t know how to navigate the complex dating world. After investing in herself with ‘Leap into Love’, she tackled her limiting beliefs and is now attracting men who treat her like the goddess she knows she is:



Are you ready for the love you deserve?
All I need from you is...

A willingness to try something new like 'Leap Into Love' - even if you've read a dozen relationship books online and done several crash courses.

A willingness to get out of your comfort zone and invest in your dreams and a proven method that works.

A willingness to give your best shot to this work and implement it with men, even when it feels scary.

Are you ready for the love you deserve?
All I need from you is...

A willingness to try something new like 'Leap Into Love' - even if you've read a dozen relationship books online and done several crash courses.

A willingness to get out of your comfort zone and invest in your dreams and a proven method that works.

A willingness to give your best shot to this work and implement it with men, even when it feels scary.

You have both Masculine and Feminine Energy within you, and both are amazing energies to have.

Masculine is DOING, organizing, planning, giving, thinking… you're probably excellent at that already, if you're anything like me.

And Feminine is your BEING energy, where you can slow down, receive, feel and connect with your authenticity.

It's your re-connection with your FEMININE Energy that will make you that alluring, hypnotic, magnetic woman to high-quality men.

When you go through the 6-step 'Leap Into Love' Soulmate-attraction process, you will learn how Feminine Energy runs much deeper and beyond wearing PINK dresses or high heels (though that's always a bonus!).

And no, Feminine Energy is not weak or being a doormat, like many of us are wired to believe. 

It is the epitome of true inner strength, solid boundaries and surrender, a combination that is hypotonic to healthy, empowered men.

You have both Masculine and Feminine Energy within you, and both are amazing energies to have.

Masculine is DOING, organizing, planning, giving, thinking… you're probably excellent at that already, if you're anything like me.

And Feminine is your BEING energy, where you can slow down, receive, feel and connect with your authenticity.

It's your re-connection with your FEMININE Energy that will make you that alluring, hypnotic, magnetic woman to high-quality men.

When you go through the 6-step 'Leap Into Love' Soulmate-attraction process, you will learn how Feminine Energy runs much deeper and beyond wearing PINK dresses or high heels (though that's always a bonus!).

And no, Feminine Energy is not weak or being a doormat, like many of us are wired to believe. 

It is the epitome of true inner strength, solid boundaries and surrender, a combination that is hypotonic to healthy, empowered men.

Based on this fundamental of Feminine Energy, our


works wonders for our single clients and gives them PHENOMENAL RESULTS in their love life.

This step-by-step process is what the 'Leap Into Love' self-study program gives you access to.

Based on this fundamental of Feminine Energy, our


works wonders for our single clients and gives them PHENOMENAL RESULTS in their love life.

This step-by-step process is what the 'Leap Into Love' self-study program gives you access to.

We start with in depth inner work in the first 3 modules, then we learn dating skills and finally we dive into feminine energy and understanding men, so that we can attract a high-quality partner, effortlessly.

We start with in depth inner work in the first 3 modules, then we learn dating skills and finally we dive into feminine energy and understanding men, so that we can attract a high-quality partner, effortlessly.

Module 1

Manifesting Like A Queen

Living the principles of attraction and high-vibration energy, and becoming your own best supply of inner motivation and love abundance.

Like everything else in life, soulmate attraction gets easier when we are operating with higher energy.

This module will help you if:

  • You find yourself lacking faith and trust that your man is out there.
  • You often struggle with negative thoughts around the dating process.
  • Dating feels like a drag and is pulling your energy down.
  • Some evenings, you'd rather just stay in bed and re-watch Bridget Jones for the thousand time, instead of going out to meet a new man that 'will probably turn out to be yet another disappointment.'

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to harness the sub-conscious power of your brain, thoughts and feelings, in order to manifest the life and love you desire.
  • How to use the Universal Laws Of Energy to help you manifest your vibrational reality into a physical reality.
  • How to let go of your limiting beliefs about men, relationships and yourself, which don't serve you in attracting your soulmate.
  • How to turn around the negative thoughts that often pop up in your head throughout the day.
  • How to stay motivated while manifesting your Soulmate.
  • How to prevent your energy from going up and down during the dating process.
  • How to keep and maintain your vibe high, even when you don't have evidence of success (just yet).

Module 1

Manifesting Like A Queen

Living the principles of attraction and high-vibration energy, and becoming your own best supply of inner motivation and love abundance.

Like everything else in life, soulmate attraction gets easier when we are operating with higher energy.

This module will help you if:

  • You find yourself lacking faith and trust that your man is out there.
  • You often struggle with negative thoughts around the dating process.
  • Dating feels like a drag and is pulling your energy down.
  • Some evenings, you'd rather just stay in bed and re-watch Bridget Jones for the thousand time, instead of going out to meet a new man that 'will probably turn out to be yet another disappointment.'

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to harness the sub-conscious power of your brain, thoughts and feelings, in order to manifest the life and love you desire.
  • How to use the Universal Laws Of Energy to help you manifest your vibrational reality into a physical reality.
  • How to let go of your limiting beliefs about men, relationships and yourself, which don't serve you in attracting your soulmate.
  • How to turn around the negative thoughts that often pop up in your head throughout the day.
  • How to stay motivated while manifesting your Soulmate.
  • How to prevent your energy from going up and down during the dating process.
  • How to keep and maintain your vibe high, even when you don't have evidence of success (just yet).

Module 2

Strengthening The Relationship With Ourselves

If you don't love yourself, how can you expect a man to love you?

And yet, many times, loving ourselves can feel like a chore, a confusing uncharted territory.

This module will help you if:

  • You tend to be very hard on yourself.
  • You often beat yourself up, and feel that anything that isn't working out, is your fault.
  • You find it hard to make time for yourself (outside of your career; you always have time for work!)
  • Others always, ALWAYS come first - your children / your parents / your friends / your cat / even that colleague you don't really like anyway.
  • You 'know' all about self-care and do treat yourself to regular mani-pedis and shopping sprees - and YET, deep down, you do not love and accept yourself truly and unconditionally.

In this module, you will learn:

  • My trademark system of P.A.I.N., and the exact things we women do that keep us stuck in a low level of self-love.
  • How to stop feeling 'not good enough.'
  • How to dissolve any self-judgement, self-hatred, and self-blame.
  • How to accept yourself fully, deeply and lovingly.
  • How to understand, once and for all, that you CAN have it all: the career success AND the passionate, soul-nourishing love!
  • How to implement simple yet life-changing habits that will ensure a healthy work/life balance.
  • How to heal truly and deeply for attracting your grand love.

Module 2

Strengthening The Relationship With Ourselves

If you don't love yourself, how can you expect a man to love you?

And yet, many times, loving ourselves can feel like a chore, a confusing uncharted territory.

This module will help you if:

  • You tend to be very hard on yourself.
  • You often beat yourself up, and feel that anything that isn't working out, is your fault.
  • You find it hard to make time for yourself (outside of your career; you always have time for work!)
  • Others always, ALWAYS come first - your children / your parents / your friends / your cat / even that colleague you don't really like anyway.
  • You 'know' all about self-care and do treat yourself to regular mani-pedis and shopping sprees - and YET, deep down, you do not love and accept yourself truly and unconditionally.

In this module, you will learn:

  • My trademark system of P.A.I.N., and the exact things we women do that keep us stuck in a low level of self-love.
  • How to stop feeling 'not good enough.'
  • How to dissolve any self-judgement, self-hatred, and self-blame.
  • How to accept yourself fully, deeply and lovingly.
  • How to understand, once and for all, that you CAN have it all: the career success AND the passionate, soul-nourishing love!
  • How to implement simple yet life-changing habits that will ensure a healthy work/life balance.
  • How to heal truly and deeply for attracting your grand love.

Module 3

Busting Intimacy Fears & Removing The Blocks To Love

This is the motherload of this program, quite literally.

This is where big style inner work and shifts happen for my single clients.

This module will help you if:

  • You tend to fall in love with men quickly and end up being heartbroken.
  • You tend to get attached too quickly to the men you’re seeing.
  • You are looking for chemistry and 'the spark' when evaluating a man and your connection with him.
  • You often date men who treat you poorly, and miss the red flags.
  • You are afraid of intimacy and losing your freedom, and so you push good men away.
  • You don’t like the nice guys, while the guys you like, don’t like you back.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The 7 ways in which intimacy fears show up in relationships and make us sabotage ourselves.
  • The blocks within ourselves that keep love at arm's distance - and how to let them go.
  • Why you might not be liking the men that like you, and instead feel attracted to unavailable men.
  • How to calm your anxiety around losing your independence or freedom, when a relationship starts to get real.
  • How to gain supreme clarity on the kind of man you desire to attract in your life.
  • How to crack your Non-Negotiables and Deal-Breakers (they are different).
  • How to attract healthy love with a man who ALSO turns you on.
  • How to heal all these fears and truly, fiercely, let healthy love IN.

Module 3

Busting Intimacy Fears & Removing The Blocks To Love

This is the motherload of this program, quite literally.

This is where big style inner work and shifts happen for my single clients.

This module will help you if:

  • You tend to fall in love with men quickly and end up being heartbroken.
  • You tend to get attached too quickly to the men you’re seeing.
  • You are looking for chemistry and 'the spark' when evaluating a man and your connection with him.
  • You often date men who treat you poorly, and miss the red flags.
  • You are afraid of intimacy and losing your freedom, and so you push good men away.
  • You don’t like the nice guys, while the guys you like, don’t like you back.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The 7 ways in which intimacy fears show up in relationships and make us sabotage ourselves.
  • The blocks within ourselves that keep love at arm's distance - and how to let them go.
  • Why you might not be liking the men that like you, and instead feel attracted to unavailable men.
  • How to calm your anxiety around losing your independence or freedom, when a relationship starts to get real.
  • How to gain supreme clarity on the kind of man you desire to attract in your life.
  • How to crack your Non-Negotiables and Deal-Breakers (they are different).
  • How to attract healthy love with a man who ALSO turns you on.
  • How to heal all these fears and truly, fiercely, let healthy love IN.

Module 4

Rotational Dating

With most of the inner and mindset work done, we're ready to date.

This module will help you if:

  • You want to get married and start a family, or you want another type of strong commitment (Buying a house together? Retiring to an unending trip around the world together? All of the above? - It's all up to you!)
  • Despite your true desires, you end up in casual, half-committed relationships and often 'it's complicated' with men.
  • You are a serial monogamist: you meet a guy, get into a relationship quickly, break up - rinse and repeat.
  • You need a lot of time to recover from each repeated heartbreak - months and sometimes years lost.
  • When you see potential in a date, you tend to laser-focus on him, and close yourself to attention from any other man.

In this module, you will learn:

  • What Rotational Dating is, and what it is not (spoiler: it is definitely NOT sleeping with all the men you go out with!)
  • Why Rotational Dating is the most powerful and efficient way to date.
  • How to deal with the logistics of Rotational Dating, e.g. "Do I tell him I am seeing other men? Can I kiss all the guys I am dating? Is he allowed to date other women too?"
  • How to deal with the feelings that Rotational Dating often brings up in ourselves, e.g. "Is this the right thing to do? Am I taking advantage of the men that I allow to court me? What if I lose THE one, because I was Rotational Dating? Can I Rotational Date if I am a traditional, conservative or religious woman?"
  • The exact scripts you can say to men, when quizzed on Rotational Dating.

Module 4

Rotational Dating

With most of the inner and mindset work done, we're ready to date.

This module will help you if:

  • You want to get married and start a family, or you want another type of strong commitment (Buying a house together? Retiring to an unending trip around the world together? All of the above? - It's all up to you!)
  • Despite your true desires, you end up in casual, half-committed relationships and often 'it's complicated' with men.
  • You are a serial monogamist: you meet a guy, get into a relationship quickly, break up - rinse and repeat.
  • You need a lot of time to recover from each repeated heartbreak - months and sometimes years lost.
  • When you see potential in a date, you tend to laser-focus on him, and close yourself to attention from any other man.

In this module, you will learn:

  • What Rotational Dating is, and what it is not (spoiler: it is definitely NOT sleeping with all the men you go out with!)
  • Why Rotational Dating is the most powerful and efficient way to date.
  • How to deal with the logistics of Rotational Dating, e.g. "Do I tell him I am seeing other men? Can I kiss all the guys I am dating? Is he allowed to date other women too?"
  • How to deal with the feelings that Rotational Dating often brings up in ourselves, e.g. "Is this the right thing to do? Am I taking advantage of the men that I allow to court me? What if I lose THE one, because I was Rotational Dating? Can I Rotational Date if I am a traditional, conservative or religious woman?"
  • The exact scripts you can say to men, when quizzed on Rotational Dating.

Module 5

Understanding & Immersing 

In Feminine Energy

You're READY for this now!

This module will show you how to let your guard down and be a soft, kind invitation for men, all the while developing solid boundaries and learning how to speak up for yourself in tricky situations.

We will also be doing some serious myth-busting around Feminine Energy, so you can embrace it fully and without holding back.

This module will help you if:

  • You tend to want to be in control and end up in a power struggle with men.
  • You find it hard to relax around men; you feel you must always be on your best behavior and impress a man.
  • It is difficult for you to receive from men (gifts, paying on dates, even compliments!) and you always feel compelled to give back to him, equally or even more that he has given to you.
  • You struggle with speaking up for yourself and drawing your boundaries.
  • You get passive-aggressive or act like a doormat, vs. expressing your truth with love.

In this module, you will learn:

  • What Feminine Energy is, and what it is not (hint: it's not being weak, and it's not being an anti-feminist!)
  • Why you might be afraid of letting your guard down.
  • How to say 'no' with courage and grace, so that you never feel unsafe.
  • How to embody your feminine essence with and around men, and see the hypnotic effect it will have on them.
  • How to live / be in our Feminine Energy (learning through powerful experiential tools).
  • How to get out of your head and be in the present moment with a man.
  • How to experience and express vulnerability in a high-value, healthy way.
  • How to create deep emotional connection with men.
  • How to increase your mysterious allure and magnetism.
  • How to receive, respond, express and stay in your Feminine in the entire dating process.

Module 5

Understanding & Immersing 

In Feminine Energy

You're READY for this now!

This module will show you how to let your guard down and be a soft, kind invitation for men, all the while developing solid boundaries and learning how to speak up for yourself in tricky situations.

We will also be doing some serious myth-busting around Feminine Energy, so you can embrace it fully and without holding back.

This module will help you if:

  • You tend to want to be in control and end up in a power struggle with men.
  • You find it hard to relax around men; you feel you must always be on your best behavior and impress a man.
  • It is difficult for you to receive from men (gifts, paying on dates, even compliments!) and you always feel compelled to give back to him, equally or even more that he has given to you.
  • You struggle with speaking up for yourself and drawing your boundaries.
  • You get passive-aggressive or act like a doormat, vs. expressing your truth with love.

In this module, you will learn:

  • What Feminine Energy is, and what it is not (hint: it's not being weak, and it's not being an anti-feminist!)
  • Why you might be afraid of letting your guard down.
  • How to say 'no' with courage and grace, so that you never feel unsafe.
  • How to embody your feminine essence with and around men, and see the hypnotic effect it will have on them.
  • How to live / be in our Feminine Energy (learning through powerful experiential tools).
  • How to get out of your head and be in the present moment with a man.
  • How to experience and express vulnerability in a high-value, healthy way.
  • How to create deep emotional connection with men.
  • How to increase your mysterious allure and magnetism.
  • How to receive, respond, express and stay in your Feminine in the entire dating process.

Module 6

Understanding Men & The Commitment Process

This module will show you that you will love the male species, because you will find them really easy, really predictable, and, of course, that you will understand how the male mind works.

First, we're going to be talking about some limiting beliefs around men, and replace them with constructive beliefs. Then we are going to go in section two and talk about the core nature of men, or decoding a man's nature when it comes to love and romance.

Last, but not the least, a very, very critical and important part, I saved the
best cookie for the last, how does a man fall in love, and what are the stages
of that experience for him.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The 5 things every healthy man wants to experience in his relationship.
  • What a man truly NEEDS, in order to claim you as his forever woman.
  • What makes a man go for one woman, vs another.
  • Why his heart (and not his body OR his intellect!) is the way to connect with him.
  • How he looks at the commitment process and how to use that to your advantage when it comes to long-term commitment.
  • How to inspire men to come more strongly after you.

Module 6

Understanding Men & The Commitment Process

This module will show you that you will love the male species, because you will find them really easy, really predictable, and, of course, that you will understand how the male mind works.

First, we're going to be talking about some limiting beliefs around men, and replace them with constructive beliefs. Then we are going to go in section two and talk about the core nature of men, or decoding a man's nature when it comes to love and romance.

Last, but not the least, a very, very critical and important part, I saved the
best cookie for the last, how does a man fall in love, and what are the stages
of that experience for him.

In this module, you will learn:

  • The 5 things every healthy man wants to experience in his relationship.
  • What a man truly NEEDS, in order to claim you as his forever woman.
  • What makes a man go for one woman, vs another.
  • Why his heart (and not his body OR his intellect!) is the way to connect with him.
  • How he looks at the commitment process and how to use that to your advantage when it comes to long-term commitment.
  • How to inspire men to come more strongly after you.


The full Leap Into Love program (40 hours of content) valued at 5000 euros to give you access to my most advanced soulmate attraction program that gives you ALL the strategies and energetic skills you need to attract the ONE - ONCE AND FOR ALL!

The full Leap Into Love program (40 hours of content) valued at 5000 euros to give you access to my most advanced soulmate attraction program that gives you ALL the strategies and energetic skills you need to attract the ONE - ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Plus, €6,500 Worth of
Early Bird Bonuses Right Now!

Plus, €6,500 Worth of
Early Bird Bonuses Right Now!

EARLY BIRD Special Offer includes -

EARLY BIRD Special Offer includes -

  • 6 live group Calls with a senior relationship coach from my team.
    (Value: 5000 euros)

    Six calls with my senior relationship coach from my team where you can meet the coach each month, revise the modules + get your personal questions answered.

  • 6 live group Calls with a senior relationship coach from my team.
    (Value: 5000 euros)

    Six calls with my senior relationship coach from my team where you can meet the coach each month, revise the modules + get your personal questions answered.

  • Prepare to Date (Value at 1497 euros)

    So that you can straight away start dating and attracting high quality men using my online dating and organic dating process

    An entire program within ‘Leap Into Love’ that will show you how to get out there with confidence and start dating now, without overwhelm!
  • Prepare to Date (Value at 1497 euros)

    So that you can straight away start dating and attracting high quality men using my online dating and organic dating process.

    An entire program within ‘Leap Into Love’ that will show you how to get out there with confidence and start dating now, without overwhelm!
  • Managing Emotional Triggers (Value at 597 euros)

    So that you never let a negative emotion sabotage a good relationship EVER again.

    In this practical, hands-on expert workshop, you’ll learn the 4-step process of identifying, healing and managing your emotional triggers, so that you never regret missing out on a high-caliber man due to the wrong reaction.
  • Managing Emotional Triggers (Value at 597 euros)

    So that you never let a negative emotion sabotage a good relationship EVER again.

    In this practical, hands-on expert workshop, you’ll learn the 4-step process of identifying, healing and managing your emotional triggers, so that you never regret missing out on a high-caliber man due to the wrong reaction.
  • ‘Building Emotional Attraction Program’ (Value at 1200 euros)

    So that you know how to build a deeper, meaningful connection with men that LASTS!

    Emotional Attraction is the
    key ingredient that makes this possible, and this is why I am so pumped to teach you how to create this as part of this never-done-before course.

    * This bonus only available in the next 72 hours get access to for our Early Bird Special Offer.
  • ‘Building Emotional Attraction Program’ (Value at 1200 euros)

    So that you know how to build a deeper, meaningful connection with men that LASTS!

    Emotional Attraction is the key ingredient that makes this possible, and this is why I am so pumped to teach you how to create this as part of this never-done-before course.

* This bonus only available in the next 72 hours get access to for our Early Bird Special Offer.

  • The Art of Feminine Texting' Video Masterclass’ (Value at 297 euros)

    Access exclusive content from my ELEVATE program, to learn how to text your way into his heart by using the flirty, fun scripts I provide in this video masterclass.

    Feel confident when texting, knowing that you can identify red and green flags when communicating with men, and be able to predict how they’ll respond to your empowered, feminine, playful messages.
  • The Art of Feminine Texting' Video Masterclass’ (Value at 297 euros)

    Access exclusive content from my ELEVATE program, to learn how to text your way into his heart by using the flirty, fun scripts I provide in this video masterclass.

    Feel confident when texting, knowing that you can identify red and green flags when communicating with men, and be able to predict how they’ll respond to your empowered, feminine, playful messages.

  • Affirmation Meditations (Value at 297 euros)

    Love Is Meant For Me Meditation' Audio

    This brand new, moving audio meditation (MP3 format) will help you ground your belief that love is meant for you. Beautiful. Moving. And so worth listening to everyday to remind you of your power every day.
  • Affirmation Meditations (Value at 297 euros)

    'Love Is Meant For Me Meditation' Audio
    This brand new, moving audio meditation (MP3 format) will help you ground your belief that love is meant for you. Beautiful. Moving. And so worth listening to everyday to remind you of your power every day.
  • 'Diva In Life, Diva in Love Affirmation' Audio

    Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence with Sami's classic, long-form affirmations audio (37 minutes), that covers everything from soulmate attraction, to feminine surrender, to complete self-acceptance, self-love, and self-worth.
  • 'Diva In Life, Diva in Love Affirmation' Audio

    Boost your self-esteem and self-confidence with Sami's classic, long-form affirmations audio (37 minutes), that covers everything from soulmate attraction, to feminine surrender, to complete self-acceptance, self-love, and self-worth.
  • 'Soul Connection Meditation' Audio

    Gift yourself peace, self love, and unshakeable inner happiness with this meditation that will remind you of your profound worth as a true Diva.
  • 'Soul Connection Meditation' Audio

    Gift yourself peace, self love, and unshakeable inner happiness with this meditation that will remind you of your profound worth as a true Diva.


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6 * €399
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Will YOU Get Results?

Will YOU Get Results?

Absolutely, if you will work for it.

'Leap Into Love' is our most comprehensive, deep-dive, inner work program for single divas, with a tremendous success rate.

It has everything you need to go from A to Z in the Soulmate-Attraction Process.

But of course, it still requires you doing the work, making the changes, and implementing the new behaviors we're asking you to implement.

You are almost guaranteed to get results when you ACT on the information provided.

Plus, we believe that attracting your man is not the only outcome from the program…

Getting the ring is great, but finding yourself and your power and your confidence as a woman is PRICELESS!

Absolutely, if you will work for it.

'Leap Into Love' is our most comprehensive, deep-dive, inner work program for single divas, with a tremendous success rate.

It has everything you need to go from A to Z in the Soulmate-Attraction Process.

But of course, it still requires you doing the work, making the changes, and implementing the new behaviors we're asking you to implement.

You are almost guaranteed to get results when you ACT on the information provided.

Plus, we believe that attracting your man is not the only outcome from the program…

Getting the ring is great, but finding yourself and your power and your confidence as a woman is PRICELESS!

Look At Even More Client Successes From Following The Process In The Leap Into Love Program

Look At Even More Client Successes From Following The Process In The Leap Into Love Program

I Could Not Have Had This Life Without 'Leap Into Love!'

My love life before 'Leap Into Love' was sad. I got a lot of male attention, but it never really developed into anything real.

I craved a deep, committed relationship, yet I did not know how to attract it; I did not even know how to date!

At my lowest point, when I was weeping that I will always be alone, Sami pointed out my money blocks and how I was lying to myself about 'not being able to afford this program,' from fear of disappointment.

Now 3 years later, I am so thankful for her words, which got me unstuck!

I am engaged to a man who supports me more than I would have imagined. He loves all of me. I can come home dirty from the barn, and he still finds me super sexy! He also relocated for me and is commuting every day for his job, just to be closer to me.

Not only did I get the ring, but my whole life turned around. I got the motivation to go for an amazing, high-paying job, AND I fulfilled my life-long dream of owning and caring for a horse! I made it all happen for myself - something the old me would never have thought possible.

LIL helps you become the best version of yourself. It is TOTALLY worth the investment.


I Got Engaged In 7 Months, After Finally Deciding To Deep-Dive 'Leap Into Love'

Sami's work completely changed my love life. I came in as a skeptic and turned into an avid believer!

As a successful engineer for a cloud tech firm, I used to believe that men are intimidated by my success, or are complete douchebags.

Today, after having deep dived into Sami's work, at 37 years of age, the day has come when I get to go out shopping for my wedding dress, and I know this is all thanks to Sami. My fiancé proposed to me on a holiday he took me on in Singapore.

It wasn't easy for me to give up control and lean into my Feminine Energy at first, being a feminist. But, once you realize the power of softness and strong boundaries and what Sami teaches, you experience miraculous results.

The only regret I have is not starting earlier with Sami's work, and spending 2 years just half-doing the smaller programs. It was the deep dive that made the biggest difference.

My fiancé treats me like a queen, and our wedding date is due for January. I thank God and my sister for bringing Sami into my life.

I have everything I ever wanted, and I plan to go into Sami's relationship programs next, to forever sustain the beautiful love I have attracted.


I Was The Smart, Sexy, Successful & Chronically Single Woman... Now I Am Happily Engaged Due To LIL!

When I found Sami Wunder through a friend who invited me to go to the live event at the Shangri-La in London, I immediately felt a connection with Sami. I knew that I needed to do something if I wanted things to look different in my love life.

Well, today I am celebrating meeting my most wonderful fiancé. He proposed to me on the one year anniversary of our first date.

He takes me to the races, invites me on holidays, introduces me proudly to all his friends. I have never been happier, and it feels so good to see my career success come full circle with success in my private life, too.

Even if I put the wonderful man aside, Sami's work helped me regain my sense of self-worth, have strong boundaries, taught me how to lean back in my Feminine Energy with men - and that has been priceless to implement in all aspects of my life.

I am so grateful to Sami and this work, and recommend it wholeheartedly to all my friends and all women who want to experience personal fulfilment and love in their lives.


Sami Wunder's 'Leap Into Love' Programme Is 100% Authentic, Inspiring & Life-Changing!

It provides the most in-depth and expansive understanding I have seen so far, about creating a vivid, loving and solid relationship, with ourselves and with the man in our lives.

It's so easy to read reviews and not whole-heartedly believe them, but I want to tell you that this photo of mine shows nothing but the truth behind the results this programme has got for me.

Within 6 months of starting the programme, I attracted a naturally flowing, happy relationship with an incredible man.

We had a beautiful wedding in Scotland in March 2018, and my husband continues to passionately go out of his way to see me radiant and content every single day.

Thank you, Sami, for doing what you do!


I Got Engaged 11 Months After First Finding Sami's Programs.

When of my RD's became my fiancé, I felt so touched and ugly-cried so much that it ruined my makeup.

I can't thank Sami enough for her guidance and her teachings!

I feel so grateful for finding my soulmate, and, most importantly, I'm grateful for the person I am and I'm becoming through this work. 

As Sami always says, marriage is not the destination; relationships are a work in progress. And so are we.

I am excited to continue to do this work, and build a lifelong blessed relationship, first with myself, then with my man and all my loved ones.


I Got Married To The Man Of My Dreams!

As a young divorced woman, I had been following Sami's dating system for about a year, and let me tell you, it’s not for the weak-hearted.

It really takes a lot of guts to show up in such a high-value way in the dating process, stick to our guns, not sleep with every man who comes our way or give him boyfriend status so easily.

I Rotational Dated till the last moment, before one man I was seeing (and who I am was deeply in love with) put a ring on my finger and told me he wants to claim me forever.

It’s the best feeling on the planet.

I could never have done this without you, Sami! Thank you for all your help!


I Am Now A Completely Different Person: Happier, More Positive, & Engaged To A Wonderful Man!

I discovered Sami Wunder's work back in 2016. Little did I know that Sami and her truly unique content and knowledge were what I needed to find the man I now call my fiancé.

Dating became more fun and light hearted than ever before.

My fiancé and I met on Facebook, and were in a long-distance relationship at the start. About a month and a half from our first message, he bought a plane ticket to meet me. Our feelings grew stronger and stronger as we flew back and forth to visit each other...until he proposed 7 months in!

I thought I may never get married or meet a great guy, and now, at 37, I’m so happy to have found someone I just mesh so well with and who cares about me and isn’t afraid to show it! 

Thank you, Sami, for helping me continually grow and to be your 137th engagement!


I'm Getting Married & I Can Promise, With 100% Certainty, That I Would Not Be Here If It Weren’t For Sami’s Brilliant 'Leap Into Love' Program!

I am with a man that loves and adores me for simply being me, and our relationship is incredibly easy. This would not be the case if I didn’t regularly use Sami’s tools. At first they seemed so foreign and counterintuitive, but now they are second nature.

Talking with my fiancé last night, we chatted about about how I did not chase him when we dated. He said all of the other women he dated chased him and I was 'refreshing and stood out' because I didn’t.

Something so simple as me being in my feminine energy and letting him come towards me had such a positive impact.

Everyone deserves this amazing love and with Sami's tools and programs, it can happen for you. Forever love is without a shadow of a doubt, achievable. Take the 'leap' you deserve!


Eight Months Into Sami’s Program, I Found Myself In The Most Beautiful & Healthiest Relationship I Ever Had.

I’m so glad that I did the inner work that was required for me to attract my wonderful soulmate.

I’ve never felt at peace and safe with someone like I do now.

Going into nine months as an exclusive couple and we’ve never had any toxic moments and major fights. We communicate our issues in a good way that yields to a positive outcome.

His energy still comes towards me and he makes sure that my needs and wants are being met.

He gives my daughter just the same adoration. My heart is beyond grateful that I’m showing her the kind of man that a woman should be looking for.

I would like to tell single moms and ladies out there that this is possible. The inner work might take some time but if I was able to turn my love life around, then you can too. Your soulmate is already here if you believe it.


I Just Got Married To A Man Who Thinks I Am His World!

Before I came to Sami, I felt resigned to my 'bad luck' in romantic relationships. Boyfriends and joyful dates were non-existent for me for many years, until I decided to jump in and work with Sami and started applying these tools.

I still remember how fast my heart was beating and how scared I was to invest so much in myself and my love life for the first time. At some level though, I knew I had to take the leap and do something different if I wanted to create different results. I also met Sami in Los Angeles last year and my faith that this professional can help me, was deeply confirmed.

I feel so happy to share that I just got engaged and later married to a man who thinks I am his world. I am still grasping the power of what has happened and how this has changed my life.

I also feel proud to be sharing that my success in love comes today from the support of this coach – Sami Wunder. I feel so touched and grateful to this woman for being there for me. I am so thankful to God for finding her.

I feel so happy to share that I just got engaged to a man who thinks I am his world. I am still grasping the power of what has happened and how this has changed my life.


I Got Happily Engaged & Pregnant At 40!

When I first came to Sami, I thought my relationship was over, as well as my chances to have a baby. My relationship was in a make-or-break situation. I was nearly 40.

With Sami’s advice, my relationship has turned around completely. My man started doing all he could to win me back, and dynamics changed.

Within two months, I am now happily engaged, and pregnant as well! My whole life turned around at 40!

And the best bit? I have heaps of self-worth, and I am proudly a feminine diva- in- love! Thank you, Sami! Your work changes lives.


'Leap Into Love' Is NOT For You IF:

  • If you're someone who is looking to manipulate and strategize her way into a man's heart.
  • You don't have a strong desire to meet your Soulmate in the near future.
  • Your love life and personal happiness are not a priority for you right now (and that's okay too, we don't judge it).
  • You are not willing to get out of your comfort zone and try new skills and tools that get you results.
  • Your life is a mess. You have no clue what you're doing and why you're doing it and every day there is some 'major' problem or drama happening. It's best to sort out those problems first, before committing to the program.

'Leap Into Love' Is NOT For You IF:

  • If you're someone who is looking to manipulate and strategize her way into a man's heart.
  • You don't have a strong desire to meet your Soulmate in the near future.
  • Your love life and personal happiness are not a priority for you right now (and that's okay too, we don't judge it).
  • You are not willing to get out of your comfort zone and try new skills and tools that get you results.
  • Your life is a mess. You have no clue what you're doing and why you're doing it and every day there is some 'major' problem or drama happening. It's best to sort out those problems first, before committing to the program.

Some Final Thoughts:

'Leap Into Love' is not a run-of-the-mill, superficial dating program.

'Leap Into Love' is the real deal, because we know you, and we know YOU are the real deal. 

It is Sami Wunder's most advanced relationship knowledge, content, tools, exercises and skills all packed into one super structured program for the motivated single woman who is done being single - like really, truly, done!

Imagine, a year from now, where you can be → in love, engaged, crazily happy, and how PRICELESS it is to have that and to move in the direction of having it.

Some Final Thoughts:

'Leap Into Love' is not a run-of-the-mill, superficial dating program.

'Leap Into Love' is the real deal, because we know you, and we know YOU are the real deal. 

It is Sami Wunder's most advanced relationship knowledge, content, tools, exercises and skills all packed into one super structured program for the motivated single woman who is done being single - like really, truly, done!

Imagine, a year from now, where you can be → in love, engaged, crazily happy, and how PRICELESS it is to have that and to move in the direction of having it.

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”

~ Stephen Chbosky

This is your chance to go for nothing but the best.

This is your chance not to settle.

If you've been a part of the Wunder community, 'Leap Into Love' is a must-have, and now is the time to jump in with the amazing bonuses and savings.

YES! I am READY for the BIG LEAP!

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”

~ Stephen Chbosky

This is your chance to go for nothing but the best.

This is your chance not to settle.

If you've been a part of the Wunder community, 'Leap Into Love' is a must-have, and now is the time to jump in with the amazing bonuses and savings.

Frequently Asked Questions


This is a self-study program and is completely self-paced. You can start whenever you purchase it. New trainings and modules will be delivered to your inbox each week, to help you stay motivated, accountable and organized.


Even if you plan to date later or start the program later, it makes sense to grab it now.

If you would like to start the program later, drop us a quick email at, and we will arrange for the training materials and email notifications to be delivered to you starting with the date of your choice.


While this is self-study program with no private coaching, it doesn't mean you will be going through it yourself.

ALL our participants get access to our exclusive LIL Facebook group, full of women who will understand you as no one else, and you can post your questions there to ask for support as you go through the program.


YES, lovely - if you will work for it. Absolutely. Scroll up and look at our client track record again! :) 



You do yourself a disservice when you only dip your big toe in to test the waters. Your love life will only change as much as you commit to your growth.

When you dive in, we need you to be all in. YOU need you to be all in.


This is a self-study program and is completely self-paced. You can start whenever you purchase it. New trainings and modules will be delivered to your inbox each week, to help you stay motivated, accountable and organized.


Even if you plan to date later or start the program later, it makes sense to grab it now.

If you would like to start the program later, drop us a quick email at, and we will arrange for the training materials and email notifications to be delivered to you starting with the date of your choice.


While this is self-study program with no private coaching, it doesn't mean you will be going through it yourself.

ALL our participants get access to our exclusive LIL Facebook group, full of women who will understand you as no one else, and you can post your questions there to ask for support as you go through the program.


YES, lovely - if you will work for it. Absolutely. Scroll up and look at our client track record again! :) 



You do yourself a disservice when you only dip your big toe in to test the waters. Your love life will only change as much as you commit to your growth.

When you dive in, we need you to be all in. YOU need you to be all in.

See What Our Current 'Leap Into Love' Clients Are Saying:

I am engaged to be married to the man of my dreams!

A year ago when I came to Sami as a private client, I was single, broken and hurting in my relationships. Today, I am engaged to be married to the man of my dreams and everything feels so easy.

The investment that I made in Sami's coaching was nothing compared to what I have gained in in return my life - marriage and my soulmate! I would recommend Sami to all women looking to find their soulmate, who believe they are absolutely ready to receive love.


I am engaged to a man who treats me like a Queen!

I’ve been divorced for more than 5 years and picked up a lot of bad relationship habits along the way. When I decided, I was ready to settle down and become serious, I had no clue where to begin. This is when I found Sami’s website and started following her teachings about dating in feminine energy through her tools and programs.

Her work is such a real opener and made such a huge difference to the way I was dating and relating with men. I have learnt so much from Sami and her work and applying her tools gave me very quick results with men.

Fast forward to today, 6 months later, I am engaged to a man who treats me like a queen and Sami has a huge part to play in this. Thank you Sami.


I am engaged and my fiancé treats me like his queen!

Mine was a common story of a broken heart from a man I loved. It brought me to Sami, as I felt lost, hurt and confused if I´d ever be able to have my dream relationship.

A few months into doing her tools, I am engaged and my fiancé treats me like his queen. I’m so happy to find Sami. I plan to continue doing Sami´s work to make sure my fairytale last forever.

I couldn’t have every thing I have right now without Sami: inner peace, a charming fiancé and going-to-be-my-husband and a happy life that I could only dream of.

Can’t thank you enough, Sami, for your magical work and the tools you give us women!


I am engaged to a man who adores me!

My breaking point, that brought me to Sami Wunder, came when the man I was dating called me one day and told me that he no longer wanted to see me.

Of course, that hurt very much, but there was something else that he said to me that cut the deepest. He told me that I was like 'one of the guys,' that I wasn’t what he considered 'girlfriend or wife material.' Wow, that really hurt. I thought, “Why in the world would he say that?”

I had always taken pride in being very feminine. I wore stylish dresses and clothing, 6 inch heels, have my hair styled and my nails done every month. What did he mean by 'one of the guys?'

Needless to say, between then and now and with Sami's tools, I am a changed woman, a transformed person AND I am engaged to a man who adores me.

We are getting married in just a few short weeks. Sami's coaching and knowledge around relationships is life changing. It truly works. Thank you Sami for what you do for us.


Here We Are!

You and me, and the end of this page.

Me, handing you a key to making this year, the year that everything changes. 

You, looking at the key, wanting the change, but not sure if you should reach for it.

What if you're not cut out to be this woman?

We all are. The key is in practice, not genes.

What if you don't follow through?

You may not. However, being in a close-knit peer support group, it may be harder for you to avoid getting the help you need than to surrender to it.

What if taking this time for you makes you miss out on a good man?

On the one hand, the 4 months it takes to go through ‘Leap Into Love’ may seem like a long time. On the other, how many years have you wasted dreaming, and hoping, and dating, and meeting them significantly past halfway?

If you've been focused on men and relationships for a decade or three, many a good man have passed you by. Now may just be the time to make the shift, so that your eyes and heart are open for the next one when he comes along.

What if it's not worth the investment?

My private coaching clients happily accepting the €40,000+ price tag says otherwise.

Money is energy. What you spend it on, reflects your true focus and priorities. Making a financial commitment you don't just forget about the next day, is what affirms your decision to make the change you need to make.

So you can spend it on dresses and shoes, or you can spend it on becoming a woman who gets treated to dresses and shoes.

You can spend it on a car, or you can spend it on becoming a woman anybody will be honoured to drive wherever she needs to go.

You can spend it on a singles cruise where you meet dozens of men you won't know what to do with, or you can spend it on becoming a woman who creates romantic opportunities out of thin air. Just by being your glorious feminine self.

What if you're not cut out to be this woman?

We all are. The key is in practice, not genes.

What if you don't follow through?

You may not. However, being in a close-knit peer support group, it may be harder for you to avoid getting the help you need than to surrender to it.

What if taking this time for you makes you miss out on a good man?

On the one hand, the 4 months it takes to go through ‘Leap Into Love’ may seem like a long time. On the other, how many years have you wasted dreaming, and hoping, and dating, and meeting them significantly past halfway?

If you've been focused on men and relationships for a decade or three, many a good man have passed you by. Now may just be the time to make the shift, so that your eyes and heart are open for the next one when he comes along.

What if it's not worth the investment?

My private coaching clients happily accepting the €40,000+ price tag says otherwise.

Money is energy. What you spend it on, reflects your true focus and priorities. Making a financial commitment you don't just forget about the next day, is what affirms your decision to make the change you need to make.

So you can spend it on dresses and shoes, or you can spend it on becoming a woman who gets treated to dresses and shoes.

You can spend it on a car, or you can spend it on becoming a woman anybody will be honoured to drive wherever she needs to go.

You can spend it on a singles cruise where you meet dozens of men you won't know what to do with, or you can spend it on becoming a woman who creates romantic opportunities out of thin air. Just by being your glorious feminine self.

About Sami Wunder

Sami Wunder is a leading international relationship and dating expert who specializes in working with ambitious, high-achieving women, helping them attract lasting romantic love.

As the CEO of a thriving 7-figure business, Sami currently serves a highly engaged, global clientele of over 85K followers across 40 countries. Her clients range from a Hollywood celebrity to UK TV stars to CEOs, bankers, lawyers, doctors, renowned authors, leading entrepreneurs and more.

To date, Sami Wunder’s company has served over 5000 premium clients and recorded over 350 client engagements and more than 375 committed relationships.

Sami is a sought-after expert in the media, appearing regularly in the Business Insider, Forbes and Time magazines, Glamour, BBC Radio, Channel 5, the Daily Mail, The Metro, Cosmopolitan and many more.

A Gold medalist in Economics with a Masters degree in Public Policy, Sami has an inspiring story of career transition, from working in the international development sector, to becoming a love coach.

Her core work philosophy is empowering ambitious women who are looking to attract their soulmate, teaching high-value dating behaviours, feminine energy, and the importance of dating with boundaries and an empowered Diva mindset.

Services offered include online courses, group coaching programs, highly exclusive 1-2-1 coaching programs, and luxury retreats.

Out of all self-study programs, 'Leap Into Love' is the most advanced, and represents the culmination of Sami's experience.

Sami is wife to Chris and mother to Aaron & Aditya, and lives in Germany.

Sami Wunder is a leading international relationship and dating expert who specializes in working with ambitious, high-achieving women, helping them attract lasting romantic love.

As the CEO of a thriving 7-figure business, Sami currently serves a highly engaged, global clientele of over 85K followers across 40 countries. Her clients range from a Hollywood celebrity to UK TV stars to CEOs, bankers, lawyers, doctors, renowned authors, leading entrepreneurs and more.

To date, Sami Wunder’s company has served over 5000 premium clients and recorded over 350 client engagements and more than 375 committed relationships.

Sami is a sought-after expert in the media, appearing regularly in the Business Insider, Forbes and Time magazines, Glamour, BBC Radio, Channel 5, the Daily Mail, The Metro, Cosmopolitan and many more.

A Gold medalist in Economics with a Masters degree in Public Policy, Sami has an inspiring story of career transition, from working in the international development sector, to becoming a love coach.

Her core work philosophy is empowering ambitious women who are looking to attract their soulmate, teaching high-value dating behaviours, feminine energy, and the importance of dating with boundaries and an empowered Diva mindset.

Services offered include online courses, group coaching programs, highly exclusive 1-2-1 coaching programs, and luxury retreats.

Out of all self-study programs, 'Leap Into Love' is the most advanced, and represents the culmination of Sami's experience.

Sami is wife to Chris and mother to Aaron & Aditya, and lives in Germany.

Sami's Story In Her Own Words

Today, I am fortunate enough to be married to my soulmate Chris, who worships the ground I walk on. But it wasn’t always this way. 

Just a few years back, I couldn’t sustain a man in my life for more than three weeks. On the outside, I was excelling. But when it came to my love life, it was a disaster.

Finally, after being dumped by a guy I’d thought things were going well with, I decided to dive right in to studying romantic relationships, men, attraction, and self-esteem.

Sami's Story In Her Own Words

Today, I am fortunate enough to be married to my soulmate Chris, who worships the ground I walk on. But it wasn’t always this way. 

Just a few years back, I couldn’t sustain a man in my life for more than three weeks. On the outside, I was excelling. But when it came to my love life, it was a disaster.

Finally, after being dumped by a guy I’d thought things were going well with, I decided to dive right in to studying romantic relationships, men, attraction, and self-esteem.

What I learned, changed my life. I finally figured out where I had been going wrong.

  • I went from being the girl who lost men in 10 days, to being the girl who had high quality men chasing her and begging her for her time and attention.
  • I wasn't turned off anymore by men who treated me well. They started to turn me on.
  • I was the girl men were talking about and noticing, in a good way.
  • Within 9 months, I had attracted, dated and gotten engaged to my husband Christopher while Rotational Dating (NOT rotational sleeping with) other high quality men. Module 4 of LIL teaches my exact system.

Christopher and I had three grand weddings (yes, really!) The first one in Denmark in 2013, the second one in India at the gorgeous Taj Palace hotel, and the third one by the Baltic sea on the German island of Rugen.

In 2016, our first son Aaron was born; in 2020, our second son, Aditya, joined us, and my life and joy came a full circle.

We're in the 9th year of our marriage, moved into our own gorgeous home, and I am living the life I had once only imagined in my dreams.

Thanks to this work that I teach today, I am able to sustain this love in my life without sabotaging it, something I used to be SO good at before.

Christopher is a practicing Christian and I am a devoted Hindu, our mother tongues are different and so are our cultures - and no, none of that matters, when you have a strong foundation of love on which you build your relationship.

What I learned, changed my life. I finally figured out where I had been going wrong.

  • I went from being the girl who lost men in 10 days, to being the girl who had high quality men chasing her and begging her for her time and attention.
  • I wasn't turned off anymore by men who treated me well. They started to turn me on.
  • I was the girl men were talking about and noticing, in a good way.
  • Within 9 months, I had attracted, dated and gotten engaged to my husband Christopher while Rotational Dating (NOT rotational sleeping with) other high quality men. Module 4 of LIL teaches my exact system.

Christopher and I had three grand weddings (yes, really!) The first one in Denmark in 2013, the second one in India at the gorgeous Taj Palace hotel, and the third one by the Baltic sea on the German island of Rugen.

In 2016, our first son Aaron was born; in 2020, our second son, Aditya, joined us, and my life and joy came a full circle.

We're in the 9th year of our marriage, moved into our own gorgeous home, and I am living the life I had once only imagined in my dreams.

Thanks to this work that I teach today, I am able to sustain this love in my life without sabotaging it, something I used to be SO good at before.

Christopher is a practicing Christian and I am a devoted Hindu, our mother tongues are different and so are our cultures - and no, none of that matters, when you have a strong foundation of love on which you build your relationship.

Look What Industry Experts Are Saying About Sami Wunder's Work:

Sami, what can I say, I wanted you to help me with our event, but you stole the show! I personally listened to your audio on Feminine energy and I was mesmerized for the entire hour. What you do for women is simply priceless.



In my field, I come across many 'experts,' but Sami is the real deal. She absolutely walks her talk and has helped thousands of women transform their vulnerability into true strength. In this day and age, we need more women to fully step into their power, and we need more leaders like Sami who are paving the way to do so!



Sami is just amazing! From the moment I met her, I knew she was a superstar coach with super powers to help women everywhere! And she has proven to be even more powerful than I’d predicted: Sami’s truly transformational in the way she works with her clients – and in the way she IS herself ! She’s gentle and kind, yet firm and knowing – and so very, very skilled. She commits herself to you totally, and you can feel how much she cares about you personally. Her own love story and blissful marriage is a powerful illustration for the results she can get for you in your own love life, very quickly.


The results Sami's clients get are truly incredible. I've met alot of Love & Relationship Coaches but I've yet to meet a coach that gets her clients such fast results. The number of proposals her clients have had just in this year is remarkable - her stuff really works! I've referred many of my girlfriends to Sami's FB group and website and highly recommend anyone needing help in love to follow her closely..



Sami's approach is unique, inspiring and life-changing. I am so happy to refer my clients and friends to her - she is my go-to girl for anyone in a relationship or dating! She gets results for her clients and her coaching is built on the most beautiful self-love and self-growth. I haven't seen anything else like it and the way she coaches is supportive, direct and powerful. She's your number one fan in your love life! I'm so proud to know Sami and her work.



Sami Wunder is a force of nature! She's a master at successfully leading her clients through the difficult and frustrating challenges of dating and relationships. She’s open-hearted and personally committed to helping each women find their true partner. Her life is an example of what she teaches and her authenticity is undeniable. Sami is a woman who’s changing lives and I predict will be making a huge impact on the world.



And The Results Our Clients Get Speak For Themselves, Over & Over Again:

Sami, I have some news! I AM ENGAGED!!!!!

What felt like an impossible dream just some months ago has come true!

I am beyond happy, grateful and so touched with this special moment in my life! Thank you, Sami Wunder, for showing up in my life, and helping me have my dream relationship and making it all a reality for me!

Sami really knows how to work her magic! Now I feel so loved and adored by my man, and can't hide the sparkle in my smile like the sparkle in my ring!


I’ve found my Soulmate, and I’m a very happy and content Married Woman!

Ever since I've joined Sami's Wunder community, I’ve learned how to finally love myself, and this changed my whole world and how I looked at Men!

Thanks to doing this work, I’ve found my Soulmate, and from March 2018, I’m a very happy and content Married Woman! Please keep up the amazing work you do!


I got married a week ago to the man of my dreams

There is a reason why this lady is called Sami Wunder! Because she actually makes wonders happen in your life.

I feel so privileged to have been one of Sami's private clients. Her coaching made the biggest difference to my life. I got married a week ago to the man of my dreams, and nobody can change the fact that it was Sami who made it happen.

I still have to pinch myself on how beautifully and how fast my life has changed with Sami's work on feminine energy! Thank you Sami for everything you did for me. I will remain forever indebted to you.


I am engaged to be married and wear a Tiffany ring on my finger!

Sami helped me turn around my masculine energy habits into those of a feminine goddess. A few months and rotational dating later, I am engaged to be married and wear a Tiffany ring on my finger.

Deciding to work privately with Sami was one of the best decisions of my life.

Thank you, Sami for a new mind, new heart, a loving man and more than anything else, new, happy, me!


Within 3 months I attracted and got engaged to the man of my dreams!

As a single mother raising a son and putting him through College in the United States, I was initially hesitant to invest such large sums of money in Sami's materials.

However, Sami's philosophy that when we invest in ourselves, our commitment to our goals increases is so true. I did dive in and I was rewarded beyond my wildest dreams.

I followed Sami's methods and within 3 months I attracted and got engaged to the man of my dreams. We are getting married on Laguna Beach this September and I am so excited that Sami will be there for my big day.

Thank you Sami, over and over again for how you changed my life. I will be forever grateful to you.


I am engaged to the Love of my Life!!

I am engaged to the Love of my Life!! I have never been happier.

All I can say is, do the inner work and implement Sami’s advice and you WILL manifest Grand Love in your life!!

Sami, THANK YOU from the bottom of my Heart.


I am blissfully happy and I feel such love and peace in my heart!

Sami, my wedding is this Sunday! I feel so happy, excited and blessed with my life. I know in my heart that he is my forever man, and I feel so safe marrying him.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me a better way. Thanks to you, I know my marriage is forever and that we both will be happy. Not only have you made a significant impact on my relationship with my man, but your advice has improved my relationship with my children & with myself as well.

Remember you told me not to worry, that you would make sure I am blissfully happy the day I get married? Well, your words have become my truth. I AM BLISSFULLY HAPPY, grateful beyond words, and I feel such love and peace in my heart.

YOU are an amazing person with a special gift to help others. Sami, I love you and I wish you nothing but the best!


'Leap Into Love' Is that Deep Dive That Can Change Your Life Forever!

We promise you that you will experience tangible results in your love life, even if:

You're a busy professional with not much time on your hands.

The drip-fed modules will reach your inbox every week and help you stay organized and on track.

You're completely new to this work. The program is designed from the beginner to the advanced stages.

You have fears and doubts about making the first step in. That's always there when we start something new; that's why it's called a 'leap' of faith.

English is not your native language. We work with a highly international clientele, and nationality has no consequence to your success in the program.

We promise you that you will experience tangible results in your love life, even if:

You're a busy professional with not much time on your hands.

The drip-fed modules will reach your inbox every week and help you stay organized and on track.

You're completely new to this work. The program is designed from the beginner to the advanced stages.

You have fears and doubts about making the first step in. That's always there when we start something new; that's why it's called a 'leap' of faith.

English is not your native language. We work with a highly international clientele, and nationality has no consequence to your success in the program.

Still On The Fence?
Schedule A Complimentary CLARITY CALL With My Team!

We understand that 'Leap Into Love' can be a meaningful decision. That's why we have a team of consultants to help!

Our consultants know the program inside and out, and they are able to assess your situation in dating.

You can ask all your questions about this program, and share any fears or doubts that are holding you back from diving in.

While this is a sales call, our team will tell you truthfully whether or not 'Leap Into Love' is the right course for you.

At the end of this call, you can expect to have clarity on the best decision for you and the future of your love life.

We understand that 'Leap Into Love' can be a meaningful decision. That's why we have a team of consultants to help!

Our consultants know the program inside and out, and they are able to assess your situation in dating.

You can ask all your questions about this program, and share any fears or doubts that are holding you back from diving in.

While this is a sales call, our team will tell you truthfully whether or not 'Leap Into Love' is the right course for you.

At the end of this call, you can expect to have clarity on the best decision for you and the future of your love life.


You choose the life you create...

You choose whether you take the big leaps...

You choose the woman you become...

You choose to let your grand love in...

You can do this, and we know that grand love is meant for you!

Request a call to speak to a team member about the program HERE.